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9A成因_演进路径及其对中国经济的影响(国外英文资料) The causes of the European debt crisis, the path of evolution and its impact on Chinas economy 1 Zhang Xiaojing Li Cheng (Institute of economics, Chinese Academy of Social Sciences, Beijing 100836) Abstract: as the global economy recovers slowly from the financial crisis, Europe is shrouded in the shadow of the sovereign debt crisis. This paper first introduces the background and causes of the crisis, and points out that the European debt issue is essentially a framework defect of European economic integration A total eruption under the shock of the financial crisis. Subsequently, we made a brief analysis and judgment on the evolution of the European debt crisis It also focuses on the transmission of the crisis to the banking, non-financial, private sectors and the US economy. Finally, this paper looks forward to the future of Europe The impact of the debt crisis on Chinas economy suggests that, at this stage, the immediate adverse effects of the crisis are limited and controllable, But this undoubtedly adds great uncertainty to the prospects of Chinas economy. Key words: sovereign debt, financial crisis, European economic integration European Sovereign Debt Crisis: Reasons, Evolutionary, Path, and, Effects, on, Chinese, Economy Abstract:, This, study, addresses, the, ongoing, European, sovereign, crisis, debt, Which, casts, a, gloom, over, fragile, recovery, the, of, the, world,, economy., We, first, argue That, the, flaws, in, the, current, framework, of, the, European, economic, integration, along With, the, global, financial, tsunami, are, the, principal, responsible, for,, the, debt, crisis., The Next, section, of, the, paper, turns, to, the, evolutionary, path, of, the, crisis, especially, its Transmission, toward, the, banking, sector, non-financial, private, sector, and, the, US Economy, as, a, whole., Eventually, we, discuss, the, potential, effects,, of, European, debt Crisis, on, Chinese, economy, and, consider, that, despites,


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