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流程:线性 影响因素: 整体/部分: 矛盾: Understanding buyer values helps prove or disprove current hypotheses as well as generate strategy solutions. Organizational beliefs and strategy alternatives identified in the situation assessment are translated into hypotheses for testing. Identifying Buyer Value-Based segments creates the foundation for creating the distribution channel strategy and design. Value based segment strategies can produce incremental revenues of $700 million and reduce costs up to $150 million. Its critical to define what factors or “attributes” are important when consumers decide to purchase from one provider versus another. With traditional research, when you ask how important any particular feature is individually, consumers tend to say each is very important. Based on answers to the tradeoff questions, buyer values are calculated and respondents are grouped by “like” values to help identify target segments. These groups or segments of consumers not only have different profit potentials... In summary, using value based segmentation is a powerful tool to improve a client’s bottom line. Based on Andersen Consulting’s investigation of the target markets, there is identifiable change in buyer preferences from window to split and cabinet air conditioners. 第一阶段中“评估战略目标”的主要任务和项目阶段性成果 自1998年成立以来,XX股份取得了迅猛的业务发展,目前已成为中国西北地区建材行业的龙头企业之一 但我国水泥行业极度分散,竞争的地域特征浓厚;低标号水泥产能过剩,地方保护主义,以及不正当竞争,导致大多水泥企业连年亏损 在并购的整个过程中都有导致失败的因素 许多的整合任务必须按重要性排序 近年来的兼并收购,已形成一些有区域性影响力的水泥集团 Approach Identify Buyer Value Segments Market Research Visioning Conceptual Design Detailed Design Pilot Implementation (phased) Systems Development/ Enhancement Situation Assessment Hypothesis List Development Survey Collection Data Coding and Utility Calculation Instrument Design and Testing Field Administration Preparation Sample Quota Design and List Pull Data Analysis Hypothesis Development Situation Assessment Hypothesis List Development Survey Collection Data Coding and Utility Calcu
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