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第27卷第4期 光 电 子 技 术 Vol. 27 No.4          2007 年12 月 OP OELEC RONIC ECHNOLOGY Dec. 2007 太赫兹辐射源与波导耦合研究新进展 王 琳, 陈鹤鸣 ( , , 210003) : 对国际上关于半导体太赫兹辐射源和太赫兹传输波导之间的耦合问 的研究进展和 最新动态进行了较详细的分析和归纳总结。太赫兹频段是一 个非常有科学价值电磁波频段, 它在信 息科学, 天文学、医学、环境科学、国防等领域都有广阔的应用前景和应用价值。太赫兹的应用除了 太赫兹辐射源, 太赫兹传输器件, 太赫兹探测器等关键器件之外, 还必须解决太赫兹辐射源和太赫 兹传输器件之间的耦合问 。 : 太赫兹波; 太赫兹辐射源; 波导器件; 耦合 : 441.4 :   : 1005-488 (2007) 04-0239-04 O A X New St udy on t he Coupling between Terahertz Radiat ion and Waveguide , - WANG Lin CHEN He ming ( Col leg e of Op toe lect ron ic E ng ineering , Inst itute of Op t ical Communic ations ,N anj ing Univ e rs ity of P osts and T elec ommunications , N anj ing 210003, CH N ) Abstract: he essay presents comprehensive analysis and summarization of the international progress and the latest development in the research on coupling between Hz radiation and waveguide. Since Hz is very important scientific use in the electromagnetic spectrum, it has great and prospective applications in the information science astronomy medicine environment science and national defence In the applica-, , , . tions of Hz the problem about the coupling between, Hz radiation and waveguide should be solved In. addition to Hz radiation, waveguide and detector. Key words : Hz wave; Hz radiation; waveguide; couple , 引 言 Hz , , ( Hz Wave) , 0. 110


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