go fishing (非2010备用版).pptx

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Go fishing;;The practice of catching or attempting to catch fish with a hook is generally known as angling. In angling, it is sometimes expected or required that fish be returned to the water (catch and release) .用钩捕捉或者企图抓鱼的做法一般称为钓鱼。有时人们会被期望或要求将鱼放回到了水中(捕获和释放)。;Fishing is an ancient practice that dates back to at least the beginning of the Paleolithic [英]?pe?l???l?θ?k period about 40,000 years ago. 钓鱼是一种古老的做法,至少可以追溯到大约40000年前旧石器时代的开始。;Fishing tackle 渔具 (fishing accessories/fishing gear) is the equipment used by fishermen when fishing. Almost any equipment or gear used for fishing can be called fishing tackle. 是渔民捕鱼时使用的设备。几乎任何设备或装置用于钓鱼可以称为钓具;Do you know how many kinds of fishing tools? What are they?;Rods:鱼竿; fishing lines 鱼线;Floats:浮标;Fishing sinkers铅坠;Hooks 鱼钩;bait;Reels:渔轮;Spears 鱼枪; Fishing Nets 抄网、鱼护;tackle boxes 渔具箱;The significances of fishing;Stress Relief(缓解压力): Spending a day afield casting for fishing on a pond helps to release us from our highly stressful.Nothing brings on the sense of being alive and helps to rebuild our personal like a day spent interacting with nature. ;Recreation(娱乐): Having a bad day of fishing still beats a day in the office or tending to house works. The most common reason you will find with people who like to fish is that it is simply fun.; Health Benefits(健康之益): Being outside and being active helps to make you feel better and encourages a healthier way of life. fishing can help you burn those unwanted calories, increase the quality of your lifestyle, and add years to your life. ;Self Fulfillment(实现自我): Fishing offers you the chance to improve your self-esteem through respect for the environment, mastering outdoor skills . Fishing can also play an important role in one’s personal and social development. Fishing is a lifetime skill and activity that can be enjoyed at any age. ;The Thrill(兴奋): Fishing has a way of fulfilling an age-old need of pursuing and catching. The thrill lies in the challen


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