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聚硫密封胶与氟硅密封胶人工加速老化研究 - 南昌航空大学期刊网
(, 330063)
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[ ] (XM - 22BXM - 23) (FVMQ) XM- 22B
FVMQ XM- 23, , FT- IR
:; 28 d,
,XM- 22B FVMQ 2% 5%, XM- 23
3% ;, A, XM - 22BXM - 23
FVMQ 15% 23% 11%; 28d, XM- 23
[] TU57814 [] A [] 1001- 4926(2010) 02- 0046- 04
Study on A eronau tical Sea lan ts after A rtificial A ccelerated A ging
ANG Yun- ying, ZHANG Jian-ming,MENG Jiang- yan
(N anchang H angK ong Un iv ersity, N anchang , J iangx i 330063, Ch ina )
K ey w ord s: polysulfide sealants; fluorosilicone sealant; artificial hot- air aging; artificialxenon arc lamp aging
A bstract: Artificial accelerated aging behaviors of the polysulfide sealants(XM - 22BXM - 23) and the fluorosilicone sealant
(FVMQ) were studied. Artificial accelerated aging expermi entsofXM - 22B and FVMQ sampleswere carried out bymeansofhot-
air, andXM- 23 sampleswere carried out bymeansof xenon arc lamp. Then theappearancesof the sampleswere analyzed, and their
tensile strengthsweremeasured. Finally, the change of radicals of the sealantswas analyzed by FT- IR. The results show that the
gloss of sealants little changed before and after aging. The tensile strength of aeronautical sealantswas lessobviousafter aged for28
days. The tensile strength ofXM- 22B increased by 2% afterbeing agedbyhot- air aging, FVMQ increased by 5% afterbeing aged
by hot- airaging, and the tensile strength ofXM - 23 decreasedby3% afterbeing agedbyxenon lamp aging. hether it ishot- air
aging orxenon lamp aging, ShoreA hardnessof aeronautical sealantswas increased. Shore A hardness of XM - 22B, XM - 23 and
FVMQ increasedby 15%, 23% and 11% respectively. It is concluded thatXM - 23 hasno cleardegradation afterbeing aged for28
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