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第 24 卷第 2 期 海 洋 工 程 Vol24 No2 2006 年 5 月 THE OCEAN ENGINEERING May 2006 ( ) 文章编号 2006    潮汐河口支流建闸闸下淤积研究 潘存鸿 , 卢祥兴 , 韩海骞 , 王  敏 , 曾  剑, 余祈文 , 陈甫源 (浙江省水利河口研究院 ,浙江 杭州  310020) 摘  要 :潮汐河口建闸的关键问题是闸下淤积。在潮汐河口支流口门上建闸 ,其闸下淤积面貌主要取决于干流主槽的位置 , 这与在潮汐河口干流上建闸的闸下淤积问题有着本质上的差异。以钱塘江河口支流曹娥江口门建闸为例 ,应用河床演变分 析、动床实体模型和现场冲淤试验预测了曹娥江大闸闸下淤积面貌和淤积速率 ,为曹娥江大闸的建设提供了科学依据。 关键词 : 闸下淤积;支流建闸 ;潮汐河口 ;动床实体模型 ;现场冲淤试验 中图分类号:TV148    文献标识码 : A Siltation features in area downstream of tributary barrage in tidal estuary PAN Cunhong , LU Xiangxing , HAN Haiqian , WANG Min , ZENGJian , YU Qiwen , CHEN Fuyuan ( ) Zhejiang Institute of Hydraulics and Estuary , Hangzhou 310020 , China Abstract : Siltation in the downstream area is the key problem of construction of a barrage in tidal estuaries. Siltation features downstream of a barrage built at the mouth of a tributary is mainly conditional on the alignment of the thalweg of the main river , and is essentially different from that in the main river estuary. To cite an instance with the barrage at the mouth of Cao’e River , which is a tributary of the Qiantang Estuary , the siltation rate and features downstream of the barrage are forecasted using fluvial process analyses , movablebed physical modeling and field sedimentation experiments. It provides the scientific foundation for the construction of barrages. Key words : siltation downstream of tidal barrage ; tributary barrage ; tidal estuary ; movablebed physical model ; field sedimentation experi ment 建国以来 ,我国沿海入海河口兴建了大量的挡潮闸。历史经验表明 ,凡在海域来沙河口的干流上建闸 后 ,无一不发生闸下淤积。


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