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13 10 计算机集成制造系统 Vol. 13 No. 10 2 0 0 7 10 Computer Integrated Manufacturing Systems Oct . 20 07 : 100 - 5911( 2007) 10- 1891- 12 , , ( , 710072) : , , , , , , / , , , , , : ; ; ; ; ; : T H1 ; TP3011 ; TP3911 9 :A Theory of constraints product mix optimization considering outsourcing form constrained WA N G J un-qiang, S UN Shu-dong , ZH A N G Sh u-sheng ( School of Mechatronics Engineering, Northw estern Polytechnical U niversit y, Xi. an 710072, China) Abstract: Firstly, t he T heory Of Constraint s ( T OC) product mix opt imization considering outsourcing form con- strained w as modeled to maximize systems throughput. Furthermore, a theorem w as proved, which laid foundation for t he construction of opt imization algorithm. Secondly, an intelligent search algorithm based on Immune Algo- rithm ( IA) and T OC ( IA _T OC_ Ò) w as introduced to search for optimal solution ( s) w hen the T OC heurist ic ( T OCh) failed. Moreover, based on some transformat ion rules, IA_T OC_ Ò was generalized to solve all kinds of manufacturing form constrained problems. Finally, t he proposed approach was implemented and employed to the mall-scale and large-scale mult iple const raint product mix optimization. Compared w ith other published approaches in lit eratures, the simulation results proved that the IA-T OC_Ò approach outperformed other approaches. There- fore, t he proposed approach was more appropriat e for adoption by product ion planners for the mult iform hybrid de- cision considering manufacturing form constrained in the manufacturing ent erprises. Key words: product mix optimization; theory



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