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2012年5月16日 青岛理工大学(临沂) Cricket Industry in Ningjin ——德州市宁津县的蟋蟀产业 青岛理工大学(临沂)物升092 田雪制作 The cricket culture festival is the first hosted in the county of Ningjin, which had held for three times from 1991 to 1993. 宁津县是全国第一个举办蟋蟀文化节的县,1991年到1993年连续举办过三届蟋蟀节。 In recent years, cricket industry of this county has ushered in the explosive development . More than 100,000 people come to Ningjin to catch and buy crickets every year. 近年来,该县蟋蟀产业迎来了爆发式大发展,每年来宁津捉虫、购虫的超过10万人次。 According to incomplete statistics, daily turnover of cricket markets in the whole county reach more than three million . 37,000 people engage in cricket-related industries, which has become an important way to increasing the local farmers income. 据不完全统计,全县蟋蟀交易市场的日交易额能达到300万元以上,全县有3.7万人从事与蟋蟀有关的产业,成为当地农民增收的重要途径。 Now, The towns of Youji , Mengji , Chaihudian,Baodian and so on all form the national cricket markets . 现在,宁津县城、尤集乡、孟集乡、柴胡店镇、保店镇等都形成全国性的蟋蟀市场。 In early August to late October every year, the cricket markets enter prosperous period . Merchants from Beijing, Shanghai,Tianjin and other provinces and cities are attracted to Ningjin ,contributing to 30,000 visits per day. 每年的 8月上旬到10月下旬,蟋蟀市场进入了繁荣期,吸引了来自北京、上海、天津等10余个省市客商来宁津选购蟋蟀,从而使得日客流量达3万人。 Six trade markets and more than 80 cricket professional villages have been formed. Farmers engaged in catching and trading crickets reach more than 30,000. 现已形成6个交易市场,形成了80多个 “蟋蟀”专业村,每年从事捕捉、交易蟋蟀的农民达到3万余人。 The price of a cricket varies, ranging from a few yuan, tens of yuan, more than thousands of yuan, and even up to 10 thousand yuan . In the region of Ningjin, the highest selling price of a cricket is 54,000 yuan. 一只蟋蟀,价格不一,少则几元,几十元,多则几千元,最高甚至可达上万元。到目前宁津地区最高的一条蟋蟀卖价是5.4万元。 In every cricket market, sellers of crickets are more than two hundred people. In front of each person ,there are as few as thirty to forty cans ,as many as sixty to seventy cans and more than two hundred cans. They generally place the cricket cans on both sides of the road and separate on


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