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八年级英语第二次月考复习测试(week14) 一、选择填空。 (??? )1. My father gave me a new pair of shoes ______ my birthday present last year. A. to ? ? ? ? ?B. at???? C. from ? ? ? ? ? ? ? D. as (??? )2. Bill has collected a lot of ______, like pounds and dollars. A. stamps ? ? ? ? ? ?B. pictures C. notes ? ? ? ?? ? ? D. cards (?? )3. Lisa has got many friends in the club. Some like playing the piano, and ______ like playing the violin. A. the other ? ? ? ? ?B. others? C. another ? ? ? ??D. other (??? )4. Hello, boys and girls. I have got ______ to tell you. A. interesting something ? ? ? ?B. interesting anything C. anything interesting ? ? ? ? ? D. something interesting (??? )5. These books are very ______ and I want to take them. A. expensive ? ? ? B. valuable C. heavy ? ?? ? D. boring (??? )6. The yellow coat doesnt cost ______ that white one. Ill buy the yellow one. A. so many ? ? ? ??B. so much C. as many as ? ?? ? D. as much as (??? )7. There ______ fifty students on the playground at that time. A. are ? ? ? ?? ? ? ?B. is??? C. was ? ? ? ? ? D. were (??? )8. —Do you know when the book ______? —Yes. In 2004. It is still very popular now. A. sat down ? ? ? B. closed down C. came out ? ? ?D. went out (??? )9. The teacher encouraged Martin ______ loudly in front of the class. A. to speak ? ? ? ?B. speak C. speaking ? ?? D. spoke (??? )10. Does the story make you ______ happy or sad? A. to feel ? ? ? ?? B. feeling?? C. felt ? ? ?? ? ?D. feel (??? )11. The little boy looked around. He wanted to find somewhere ______. A. to stay ? ? ? ? ?? ?B. stay? C. staying ? ? ? ?D. stayed (??? )12. My father ______ much time ______ his pet birds every day last year. A. spends; to look after ? ? ? ? B. spends; looking after??? C. spent; looking after ? ? ? ? ? D. spent; to look after (??? )13. They have made a mess in the classroom. Their teacher asks them ______. A. tidy it up ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ?



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