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Who is your favorite star? Who is your favorite star? The images of fans A survey on fandom 1.Have you ever been a super fan? A survey on fandom 2.When did you become a super fan? A survey on fandom 3.Why do you love your idols? A survey on fandom 4.How much time do you spend on celebrity news every day? A survey on fandom 5.Whats your attitude when your idol have some negative reports? Pros a high goal to reach learning from stars,more motivation charity developing intetrests hot topics Cons a waste of money less concentration on study negative effects of stars more superficial a 疯狂追星女杨丽娟自1994年迷上刘德华后,便一直没有上学、没有工作,全职做追星族,父母为达成女儿心愿倾家荡产。父亲2006为让女儿筹募旅费,甚至想到了卖肾;杨丽娟已如愿见到刘德华,可仍不满足于只与偶像留影纪念。2007年3月26日,其父在香港跳海自杀,留下的遗愿竟是希望刘德华再见女儿一面。 The crazy fan girl Yang Lijuan had quited school since she was attracted by Andy Liu in 1994. From then on,she never went to school, and didn t find any job, but took fandom as her profession. His father even thought about sell his own kidney to help her daughter take trip to Hong Kong. Bur Yang was still displeased when she met Liu and took a photo with him at last.On March 26th,2007, Yang s father ended his own life by jumping into the sea in HK, leaving his last wish -- hope Liu could meet her daughter for another time. What s your oppinion? * * Should we become super fans of stars? Peter and Danielle 刘亦菲 Crystal Liu Leehom Wang Eason Chen Are you crazy over them? A.Yes B.No A.In primary school B.In middle school C.In high school D.In collage A.Beatiful appearance B.Outstanding talents C.Remarkable achievements D.Fasionable dress-up E.Great personality F.Just follow the majority G.No reason A.Under 1 hour B.1~2 hour C.more than 2 hours D. F.Hardly A.Explain for him/her without reason B.Believe he//she is innocent. C.never love him/her after D.No effects “有爱就有希望,有希望就不要放弃!” Chris Lee still maintains her own down-home personality and treats “ups and downs” in a peaceful state of mind. In addition, she has always been an advocator a


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