
前缀a- to err-部分单词整理 part2.doc

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前缀a- to err-部分单词整理 part2

64 inter- between, among international interdependent interview intermarry 65 intra-/intro- Inward, within introduction introspect intrastate intravenous intraparty 66 iso- equal isoantigen isomorphic isacoustic 67 kilo- thousand kilogram kilometer kilowatt 68 macro- Large, long microbial macrocode macroworld macroeconomics macroscale 69 Mal(e)- Badly,ill malcontent malpractice malnutrition malediction malefaction malodor maltreat malapropism malevolent maladroit 70 mega- Large, million megahertz megacycle megawatt megadeath megaton 71 meta- after, among, with,change metaphysical metagenesis metabolism metamorphism metaphor 72 micro- small microwave microsoft microworld microskirt microcomputer 73 milli-/mille Thousand, thousandth million millimeter millennial millipede millpod milligrade milliform 74 mis- bad(ly),ill,wrongly mistake misspell mispronounce misunderstand misdirect 75 mono- Alone, single, sole monologue monarch monogamy monopoly monotonous 76 mult(i)- Many, much multiple multichannel multiform multicolor multiparty multilateral 77 ne- Negative, not never neither neglect negative 78 neo- new neonatal Neolithic neophilia neogamis neoimpressionism neorealism 79 non- not non-existence non-essential non-electrical 80 ob-/oc-/of-/op-/os- At, against, before, near, over, toward objection obsession occupy offensive oppress ostensible 81 octa- eight,eighth october octagon octad octahedron octachord    82 omni- all omnipotent omniform omnipresent omniscient omniviorous 83 out- Beyond, out outdo outdoor outer outflow output outward 84 over- above, across, beyond过分,过度,在…之上,翻转 overreach overwork overstudy overwhelm overbrigde overlook overturn 85 Paleo- Old, ancient paleobotany paleolithic paleozoology paleotechnic 86 Pan- all pantheism pantropical pandemic panorama   pansophic 87 para- Against, beside, beyond, contrary paradigm paradox paragon parameter paramilitary paranoid paranormal 88 pen- almost peninsula penultimate 8


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