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剧透可耻!十部被电影名剧透的电影 难度:适中 作者:沪江英语 来源:BI 评论:2 The Shawshank Redemption The Shawshank Redemption 《肖申克的救赎》 Through the whole of Shawshank, we root for Andy Dufresne (Tim Robbins) to be awarded the justice he so rightly deserves after being wrongfully incarcerated for the murder of his wife, and we are elated when it finally comes to him in the form of poo-filled escape. 《肖申克的救赎》从头到尾,安迪-杜弗伦应当受到公正的待遇,他因被错判杀死自己妻子而入狱,当最后他得以逃脱时,我们都感到无比欣慰。 But why? 但是为什么? We should have known all along things would work out for Andy. Redemption was always the films destiny. 我们应该已经知道事情都会按照对安迪有力的方向发展。救赎永远是电影的归宿。 The Assassination of Jesse James by the Coward Robert Ford The Assassination of Jesse James by the Coward Robert Ford 《神枪手之死》 Not only is this title a mouthful, but it tells you exactly whats coming in the end in explicit detail. 这个电影名不仅长,而且确切详细地告诉了你结局会是怎样。 Free Willy Free Willy 《威鲸闯天关》 Whether you read the title as a command or a descriptive name, the conclusion is the same: Willy is going to be free. 不管你把这个电影名当成评论还是描述,结论都是一样的:威利将会获得自由。 Kill Bill Kill Bill 《杀死比尔》 Did anyone actually think Bill was going to make it out alive in a two-volume movie propped up on the concept of his murder? 有没有人真的想过比尔在这部双声道的以比尔的死为线索的电影里,他真的能逃脱死亡? Saving Private Ryan Saving Private Ryan 《拯救大兵瑞恩》 Granted this could have been more obvious is they called it We Saved Private Ryan, but the title they went with is still pretty revealing. 如果想要再明显点,可以叫它《我们救了大兵瑞恩》,但是这个题目也已经很清楚了。 The Virgin Suicides The Virgin Suicides 《处女自杀》 Notice this is called The Virgin Suicides, plural. So when the film opens with the one of the five Lisbon sisters throwing herself out of her window on onto an iron fence, dont expect the self-inflicted death to stop any time soon. 注意,题目是复数。所以当电影开场时,5个里斯本姐妹之一跳出窗外,摔倒铁栅栏上时,,别以为自杀就此结束。 The Way We Were The Way We Were 《往日情怀》 If you ever watch The Way We Were with someone and he/she gets really upset at the fact that Robert Redford and Barbara Streisand dont end up happily ever after together,


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