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Canada Economy ;Basic Information;Currency;
Canada legal currency is the Canadian dollar (currency code: CAD).
The currency symbol is C$, in order to separate with American dollar sign.;Coins are made by Royal Bank of Canada(加拿大皇家银行).
Notes are printed by the Canadian Bank Note Company and BA international company (BA International Inc) .
(加拿大纸币公司和BA国际公司);Financial indusry;;With the financial industry is mainly composed of a bank, credit union, life insurance, securities, property and injury insurance, mutual funds, risk investment, operating the company .;Banque du Canada/Bank of Canada(加拿大银行)
is the only note issuing bank
1. Banque Royale du Kanada/Royal Bank of Canada加拿大皇家银行):成立于1869年,最大的民营银行。2003年资产总值达4130亿加元。
2.(Banque Kanadienne Impérial de Kommerce/Canadian Imperial Bank of Commerce加拿大帝国商业银行):由加拿大商业银行(1867年成立)与加拿大帝国银行(1875年成立)于1961年6月1日合并而成,2003年总资产为2771.47亿加元。
3.(Banque du Montléal/ Bank of Montreal加拿大蒙特利尔银行):成立于1817年,为加第三大银行。2003年总资产为2610亿加元。
4. (TD Canada Trust加拿大道明信托):现加拿大网点最多银行,总部位于多伦多。
5.(Banque de Nouvelle-ékosse/ScotiaBank加拿大丰业银行)
6.(Banqie nationale du Canada/National Bank of Canada加拿大国家银行 )
7.(HSBC Canada加拿大汇丰银行);Manufacture
; In 1944, manufacturing accounted for 29% of GDP. Canada has decreased since the Manufacturing in Canada was especially hard hit by the 2007-2010 global financial crisis. As of 2010, manufacturing accounts for 13% of Canadas GDP,a relative decline of more than 2% of GDP since 2005.
;Central Canada today produces more vehicles each year than the neighbouring U.S. state
;Manufacturers have been attracted to Canada due to the highly educated population with lower labour costs than the United States.
Canadas publicly funded health care system is also an important attraction, as it exempts companies from the high health insurance costs they must pay in the United States.
;Now, manufacture is on the top list, and contributes about 25% of the nations