x100 管线钢冲击断裂过程及止裂性分析 - journal of northeastern .pdf

x100 管线钢冲击断裂过程及止裂性分析 - journal of northeastern .pdf

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第33卷第11期 东 北 大 学 学 报 ( 自 然 科 学 版 ) Vol.33,No. 11 2012 年 11月 Journal of Northeastern niversity( Natural Science) Nov. 2 0 1 2 X100 1 2 1 1 周 平, 黄少文, 杜林秀 , 刘相华 ( 1. , 110819; 2. , 271104) : X100 , , , 400 , , , - 60 ; 520 ,, , , , M/A : X100; ;; ; ; : TG 335.58 : A : 1005-3026( 2012) 11-1574-04 Ant-i crack Ability and Impact Fracture of X100 Pipeline Steel 1 2 1 1 ZH O U Ping , H UA N G Shao-w en , D U L in-x iu , L I U X iang-hua ( 1. State Key Laboratory of Rolling and Automation, Northeastern niversity, Shenyang 110819, China; 2. T echnical Center, Laiwu Steel Group Co. , Ltd. , Laiwu 271104, China. Corresponding author: ZHO Ping, E- mail: sdlgzp@ 126.com) Abstract: Dynamic Charpy impact test of the X100 pipeline steel with different final cooling temperature and testing temperature was conducted. The fracturemorphology and microstructure were observed. The results showed that when the final cooling temperature is 400 , the crack formation and propagation energy maintains at a high level, ant-i crack ability is good, a few layer phenomenon occurs only at - 60 . When the final cooling temperature is 520 , the crack formation and propagation energies are reduced with the decreasing of testing temperature, the ant-i crack ability decrease too, and the layer phenomenon at impact fracture is aggravated gradually. The maximal shock load is increases linearly with the testing temperature decreases. T he fine and uniform microstructure and the tiny separation phases at th


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