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Contract No. BP-T13B03-EQU-15022Volume No. 01 of 02 VENDOR DATA BOOK OF V2209c Demister FOR TURKEY ETI SODA PROCESS PROJECT CHINA TIANCHEN ENGINEERING CORPORATION WUXI SHUANGXIONG GENERAL MACHINERY CO. LTD. Catalogue PART 1 : GENERAL DESCRIPTION OF THE EQUIPMENT 设备的总体说明 General description including Buyers specifications and data sheet 总体说明包括买方的技术规格书和数据表。 List of equipment included in the supply 包括在供货范围内的设备表。 PART 2 : RECOMMENDATIONS FOR STORAGE, HANDLING AND LIFTING 储存,搬运和吊装的建议。 Special precautions for handling prior to erection (1) 安装前搬运的特殊防护措施。 Recommendations for storage prior to and during erection 安装前和安装期间储存建议。 PART 3 : ERECTION 安装 List of components to be erected/installed on site 现场安装/装配部件清单。 3.2. Detailed erection schedule including assumptions taken into account 设备安装详细进度和估计费用。 3.3. Equipment erection and installation procedures 设备安装和装配程序 3.4. List of connection points detailing location and dimensions 连接点详细位置和尺寸清单。 Electrical terminal wiring diagrams 电气端子接线图。 Details of site assembly and field welds 现场总装和现场焊接细节。 List of special tools for site erection and assembly 现场安装和总装专用工具清单。 Procedures for site assembly, level and welding 现场总装,水准测量和焊接程序。 Welding specifications for field welds 现场焊接,焊接规格。 List of checks and tests to be performed on site 在现场完成的检查和测试清单。 Site testing and acceptance procedures 现场测试和验收程序 3.12 Procedures for preparation of equipment for commissioning (including calibration of instruments) 设备试车准备程序(包括仪表标准). 3.13 List of work to be performed on site instead of Vendors shop (when required) (如有需要)在现场完成的工作清单。 PART 4 : START-UP AND OPERATING INSTRUCTIONS 开车和操作说明 4.1. General 概论 4.2. Principle原理 4.. Description of the equipment 设备描述 4.4. Commissioning and Start-up Instructions 调试和开车说明 4.5. Operating instructions 操作说明 PART 5 : MAINTENANCE INSTRUCTIONS 维修说明 5.1. 5.2. Safety instructions 安全说明 5.3. 日常 Table of lubricants and equivalents 润滑


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