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DOI :10.13959/j.issn.1003 -2398.2004.04.008 19  4     Vol.19, No.4     2004 8              HUMAN GEOGRAPHY               Aug.2004  :1003—2398 (2004)04—0037—04 ————  ,   (,  24 1000) THE VISUAL INFLUENCE AND MANAGEMENT FOR ANCIENT VILLAGE SUN Jing, S U Qin (College of Terr itor ia l R esources and Tour ism A nhui Norm a l Un iversity , Wuhu 241000, Ch ina ) Abstract:Ancient village tourism resource belongs to humanity tourism resource category an current- ly becomes the focus of mo ern tourism exploitation, so it has the great value to visit an research. The close natural geographic con ition an the sluggish economy in Huizhou region make it possible to conserve lots of ancient resi ence buil ings there.Only in one place-Yixian County, there are 3600 w ell-conserve ancient resi ence buil ings an the tw o most famous ones are Xi i an hongcun ancient village.The paper takes the two places above as examples an uses the on-the-spot sampling question- naire metho to carry out the researches.In the article, the w riter points out that since the resource has cultural an fragile features an now a ays it is also facing the negative impacts of mo ern civiliza- tion。It increases the ifficulty to exploit an conserve the precious resource.The investigator han e out 200 questionnaires to resi ents an tourists.Finally, the result showe that there are seriously negative visual influences at these two ancient villages an the visual management became the bottle- neck to exploit ancient village hamlet tourism resource.


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