轨道交通振动对邻近建筑物的影响及其评价 - 地震工程与工程振动.pdf

轨道交通振动对邻近建筑物的影响及其评价 - 地震工程与工程振动.pdf

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3 1 4 V o.l 3 1 N o. 4 2011 8 JOURNAL OF EARTH QUAK E ENG IN EER ING AND ENG INEER ING V IBRAT ION Aug. 2011 : 1000 - 1301( 20 11) 04 - 0077 - 07 1 2 裴 强 , 陶夏新 ( 1. , 116622 2. , 150080) : , , / 0 13 - , 6 10 16 5 , , , , ISO , : : P3151969 : A E ffect of vibration from ra il traffic on n earby bu ildings and its assessm en t 1 2 PE I Q iang , TAO X iax in ( 1. T he R D Cen ter of th e C iv il E ngineering T echno logy, D al ian U n iv ersity, D alian 116622, Ch ina 2. S chool of C iv il Engin eering, H arb in In stitute of T echnology, H arb in 150080, C h ina) Abs tract: D eve lop ing rail traffic is an effective counterm easure to solve the traffic prob lem s in Ch ina, but the env-i ronm en tal prob lem du e to v ibra tion and noise from the traffic turn s in to a bo ttleneck in the deve lopm ent o f urb an ar- eas. Con sidering the v ibrat ion signal obta ined from the 13 th line of Be ijing urb an rail traffic as an input for four kinds of stru ctures, su ch as six-storey, ten-storey and six teen-sto rey reinforced concrete and five- storey m asonry, the responses and Four ier sp ectra o f a ll the storeys w ere calcu lated. A nd then the re lation sh ip betw een stru ctura l re- spon ses and d istance w as also summ arized. In the end, v ibration accelerat ion levels of the stru cturesw ere calcu la-t ed. The results o f env ironm enta l v ibrat ion w ere eva lu ated w ith China and ISO standards. T he results pro


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