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假结婚协议书范本 篇一:假结婚 假结婚 对于不组成家庭的假结婚,我国婚姻法并没有规定为无效或可撤销婚姻。那么,对此应当如何处理呢?我们认为,可以变通处理,即按婚姻不成立处理。如崔某1987年与妻子结婚,1997年为了给小姨子办城市户口,妻子逼着崔某与小姨子领了结婚证。但双方并无夫妻生活。对此,可以认定双方无结婚真意(转载于:www.cSSyq.co m 书 业 网:假结婚协议书范本),亦无共同生活事实,其婚姻不能成立。 这样认定,可以避免与我国法定无效婚姻相冲突。同时,对于不组成家庭的假结婚,在认定婚姻是否成立时,可以借鉴格鲁吉亚民法的规定, 即双方既没有结婚的真意,也没有共同生活事实者,其婚姻不能成立;双方虽无结婚真意,但有共同生活事实者,则不影响婚姻的成立。 篇二:假结婚 The Proposal This is an American romantic comedy, is a very good film.Maybe you will think is funny, but it has let the audience left the space of thinking, this is the meaning of the film. From the film#39;s most let me deeply understand, in fact, Margaret is a miniature of the people in reality, expressed at work is a strict cold side, others appear to be the old 搘itch?or 搃t?But she was like a little girl crying in the home, show that they have a tender feelings fragile, let a person love dearly very much. When the family#39;s mother and grandmother with a sincere heart to love her care for her, she gradually into the family, become and unable to extricate themselves, to their own lusts cannot hurt the family.So you couldn#39;t because she decided to sacrifice their personal desires to destroy this beautiful happy family.At the same time after time with Andrew, slowly fell in love with him.This more let she couldn#39;t bear my fault error.So to end all this before getting married. Finally, we can see this is a very good happy ending easily.It old, but it was work in our heart.. In fact, we can see from the film audience themselves, the deficiency of the reflection, but in reality, I hope everyone hopes and efforts to do a like of the person.This is I saw the film what they thought of it. 篇三:卖房避税假结婚 卖房避税假结婚 假戏真做一场空 80后的张女士欲将自己的房屋出售,比她大20岁的刘先生有意这套房产,双方最终决定通过假结婚的方式避税,不料登记后刘先生变卦,不仅不买房,也不同意离婚,张女士起诉至法院要求判决双方离婚,刘先生不同意,还要求按照双方签订的婚前协议完成房屋的交易,近日,北京市第三中级人民法院终审判决双方离婚,不支持刘先生要求房屋交易继续的请求。 法院查明:张女士曾于互联网上发布出售房产的信息,刘先生有购房意向,双方因此相识。双方签订《婚前协议书》,约定:1、由夫妻各自管理、使用、收益、处分自己名下的财产。2、财产归属无论是婚前婚后及至离婚,财产归属不变。3、双方均有对各自财产自行处置权,不用征得对方同意。双


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