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[参考范文] Dear Xiaoming, You have told me that you are very nervous about the coming speech contest and I will try to make some suggestions which I hope can help you. In my opinion, you should get well prepared before the speech contest by practicing before a mirror. Besides, you had better use a brief and concise language in your speech so that you can leave a deep impression on the judges. When you are giving the speech, remember to keep smile and even if you forget your words, don’t be panic and just continue your speech, because no one will notice it. Wish you success in the speech! Yours, Li Hua [精华点评] 建议信的写作关键在于作者给出建议的语气委婉而中肯, 使对方容易接受。很多考生习惯使用祈使句或者You should的句型表示建议, 这样比较生硬,因此考生转换不同的句型使语言丰富, 如范文中使用了you should..., you had better..., remember to do等句型。在最后祝愿对方成功的时候, 可以用简明扼要的句型, 如wish you good luck / wish you success / may you succeed, 使文章长短句结合得当。 由于废气、污水、白色垃圾等环境污染已危及到人类的健康与生存, 为鼓励大家节能环保,你们学校将举办一次“低碳行动”的环保活动, 假设你是高三6班的一名学生, 将要在这个活动中向全体师生发起“低碳生活”的倡议,以下是倡议的内容: 1. 尽量绿色出行:采取步行或自行车方式; 2. 少喝一次瓶装水; 3. 尽量不用一次性制品, 如一次性木筷子和塑 料袋; 4. 每周至少手洗衣服一次; 5. 每周少开手机、电视一天。 [写作内容] 1. 活动背景; 2. 倡议目的; 3. 倡议内容。 Hello everyone, I am Li Hua from Class Six, Senior Three. ... I believe everyone, as a member of this global village, should take responsibility to take part in the global green campaign! [参考范文] I am Li Hua from Class Six, Senior Three. We human beings are seriously threatened by the environmental pollution, such as waste gases, dirty water and white pollution. In order to encourage all of us to save energy and protect our environment, I am going to make the following suggestions. It is suggested that we should walk or take bikes if we go out. To avoid white pollution, we can reduce the use of bottled water and unrecyclable items such as disposable chopsticks and plastic bags. What’s more, if we can wash clothes by ourselves at least once a week as well as turn off our TVs and mobile phones for one day every week, it will be


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