新编大学英语教程6 unit6 西工大.ppt

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新编大学英语教程6 unit6 西工大

Paragraph 6 24. seduce (L 40): entice 唆使;吸引;引诱 e.g. He was seduced into leaving the company by the offer of higher pay elsewhere. 有人以别处更高的工资唆使他脱离公司。 be seduced by curiosity 被好奇心打动 a supermarket seducing customers with special sales 以大减价吸引顾客的超级市场 25. set / put sb / sth to rights (L 42): make sb / sth just, healthy, correct, etc. 使恢复正常;校正,纠正 e.g. put a watch to rights 修手表 Could the psychiatrist put all their troubles to rights? 那精神病医生能解除他们的一切病痛吗? 26. season (L 43): give special taste to 给……调味;给……增添趣味 e.g. highly seasoned dishes 佐料味浓的菜肴 a conversation seasoned with humor 幽默风趣的谈话 27. intersperse (L 44): set here and there among other things 点缀 e.g. The lawn was interspersed with beds of flowers. 草地上点缀着一座座花坛。 He occasionally interspersed his Arabic with French phrases. 他讲阿拉伯语间或夹杂些法语词组。 Thank you! 19. equidistant (L 20): at equal distances; equally distant from or close to 等距离的 e.g. Points on a circle are equidistant from its center. 圆周上的各点与圆心等距。 20. inordinate (L 21): (formal) beyond reasonable limits; excessive 无节制的, 过度的,放纵的;极度的;非常的 e.g. an inordinate cigarette-smoker 抽烟无度的人 He has an inordinate thirst. 他极感口渴。 第三段课文译文 人类创造性的典型特征表现为可以把细微的刺激转化为巨大的成果,人类的伟大在于能够处理细小的苦楚与快乐,能够处理好普通的生理压力和欲望。“当有些烦恼时,”济慈写道:“在五分钟内就转化成索福克勒斯的题材。”对于富有创造性的个体来说,所有经验都有可创性——所有事件都有源于新见解和新洞察力的等同属性——人的超凡特性可以使平凡和普通的事物转化成非凡的事物。 Paragraph 4 21. An eventful life exhausts rather than stimulates. (L 23) exhaust: tire out 耗尽; 使筋疲力尽 e.g. The old man was exhausted after a long walk. The long walk exhausted the old man. Paraphrase: A life full of diversions stops man’s creativity instead of activating it. 22. sterile (= unproductive) (L 24) A situation that is sterile is lacking in energy and new ideas, used showing disapproval. A person or animal that is sterile is unable to produce. e.g. The negotiation proved to be sterile. 会谈没有产生结果。 Sterile land does produce good crops.


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