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纳米厚度薄膜外差椭偏测量技术的研究 - 深圳大学
3 13 V ol. 31 No. 3
2 0 0 5 5 OP T ICA L T E CHN IQ U E M ay 2005
: 100215 82 ( 2005) 030 39 10 3
1, 2 1 2 2 1
邓元龙 , 姚建铨 , 阮双琛 , 孙秀泉, 王鹏
( 1. , 30007 2 2. , 518060)
: ,
20kHz , 0. 1,
, , ,
: TH744 . 3 : A
Study of heterodyne ellipsometry for nanometer film measurement
1, 2 1 2 2 1
DENG Yuanlong , YAO Jianquan , RUAN Shuanchen , SUN Xiu_quan , WANG Peng
( 1. Institute of Laser Optoelectronics Engineering, College of Precision Instrum ent , T ianjin U niv. , T ianjin 30007 2, China)
( 2. School of Engineering T echnology, Shenzhen U niversity, Shenzhen 5 18060, China)
Abstract: Combining optical heterodyne interf ero metry w ith transm itted ellip som etry, a new precision method w ith hig h
sp eed w as applied to the m easurem ent of nanom eter f ilm . T he r elation ships betw een accur acy of ellip som etric param eters and
m easurem ent result s w ere discu ssed in term s of num er ic analysis of coefficient of complex sensitivit y. T w o acou stooptic modula
tors w ere used to generate 20kHz beat frequency, so the r esolution of ph ase m easur em ent r eached 0 . 1by simply directph ase
co mp arison m ethod , and no w ave plates and mov ing m ech anism app eared in the system . W ith autom ation process and high anti
inter ference p erf orm ance, this method is applicable to cont inuou s m easurem ents on t he indu strial spo t . T he possibility up to sub
nanom eter accuracy w as demonstrated by the ex perim ental resul
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