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介绍几种NMET完形填空的解题方法 1. 事实先决 NMET完形填空选项常从不同层次设置, 形成梯次,无对错之分, 只有程度不同。事实先决的作用是按程度将事实排队,选出第一事实加以确认。 例1: And there on a well-made bed sat Amy, my new , dressed neatly. (A) A. roommate B. classmate C. neighbor D. companion 题解: 选项A`roommate‘指`同住宿舍一室的人’。 作者并非在教室等处首次遇到Amy, 故排除掉选项B `classmate; 也并非在宿舍楼道等处首次遇到Amy, 故排除掉 选项C`neighbor, 至于选项D`companion(伙伴), 在逻辑顺序上, 应先有 classmate, 后有companion。 例2: Finally I turned the key in the lock and the door open, with Dad still complaining(抱怨) about a hurting knee or something. (C) A. knocked B. forced C. pushed D. tried 一般动作逻辑是: turn the key → open the door push the door open → force the door open 例3: I knew then that Amy and I would be and my first year of college would be a success. (B) A. sisters B. friends C. students D. fellows 题解: 选项A`sisters‘指法律承认的姐妹关系; 选项C`students’指经过学校录取成为学生, 不合文意。 选项D`fellows指`同伴, `Amy and I would be friends 中的`be, 相当于`become, 若与`fellows连用, 显然不合乎逻辑。 2. 事实后决 所谓 事实后决 是指在选项中出现悬而难决的情形, 答案选项有可能是不曾知晓的表达, 考生面对类似情形可用`事实后决`的方法解题, 即过滤掉明显不合文意的选项, 最后决定答案项。`事实后决’与`排除法’接近。请看: But , would there be a chair in Room 316? (D) A. in fact B. by chance C. once more D. then again 题解: (1) but then again 这一表达并未出现在考纲词汇表或中学教科书中。考生面对类似情形可用`排除法’解题, 即过滤掉明显不合文意的选项。就此题来说, 选项A =actually, 意为 `事实上; 选项B意为`偶然’; 选项C 意为`再次, 分别代入, 会发现与文意相去甚远, 故排除。 (2) `but then again‘ 为一表达法, 意思是`although something is true, something else is also true which makes the first thing seem less important.’ 例: I don‘t spend much, but then again I don’t go out much. He’s clumsy(笨手笨脚的), but then again, hes always willing to help. →`but then again相当于中文的`可是话又说回来。 3. 反比否定 反比否定是指从选项相反意思的假设入手去印证该选项正确与否。 Finally I turned the key in the lock and the door open, with Dad still complaining(抱怨) about a hurting knee or something. (C) A. knocked B. forced



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