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Nelson Mandela (1918— ) The former president of South Africa;Nelson Rolihlahla Mandela ;South Africa;Name:Nelson Mandela Hometown:Transkei,South Africa Birth :July 18, 1918. College:University College of Fort Hare and the University of Witwatersrand Major:law ;Life of Nelson Mandela;;He loves boxing;love;Winnie Mandela is a loud household name in South Africa, she is Mandelas second wife, either in battle, loyalty, motherly image love to win the majority of blacks in South Africa had enjoyed Black Mother honorific. “温妮·曼德拉”是南非家喻户晓的响亮名字,她是曼德拉的第二次任妻子,以战斗、忠贞、母爱的形象赢得了广大黑人的爱戴,在南非曾享有“黑人母亲”的尊称。 July 18, 1998, Nelson Mandelas 80th birthday that day, 53-year-old widow of former Mozambican president Marshall became Mandela Graca bride. 1998年7月18日,曼德拉80岁生日那天,53岁的莫桑比克前总统马歇尔遗孀格拉萨成为曼德拉的新娘。;Pain:; He stayed in the prison for 27 yeas and he consistently refused to compromise with his political position to obtain his freedom.Because he never change his strong mind,which is to build an new ,equal and free South Africa。 他在监狱里呆了27年,无论承受怎样的磨难,都未曾改变他的政治理想——建立一个新的、平等的、自由的南非。 ;; In 1991,at the first national conference of the ANC held inside South Africa,he was elected President of the ANC.In 1994,the ANC won the general election,mandela became the first Black President in the history of South Africa. 1991年,在第一次全国会议非国大在南非举行,他当选非国大主席。非国大赢得大选,在1994年,曼德拉成为南非历史上第一位黑人总统。 ; In his life time ,he won nearly 100 awards.In 1993,he was honored with the Nobel Peace Prize,which was in order to commend his contribution in againsting racial discrimination. Mandla also pays close attention to AIDS(艾滋病).He established AIDS foundation named after him.;Mandelas famous quote;曼德拉与世界杯珍贵瞬间 ;前南非总统曼德拉现身世界杯闭幕式;曼德拉当选南非 第一任黑人总统;; Now ,the brithday of Mandela became an international festival.July,18---the International Mandela Day. 现在,曼德拉的生日成为??际艺术节。7月18日——曼德拉国际日。 ;imprisonment [impriznm?nt];overthrow; Salute to Nelson Mandela! At last,let‘s listen to a song.This song


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