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7. drag rag n. 破布 dragon n. 龙 pull n. / v. 拉,拔 drag v. 拖,拉 【词语辨析】drag / pull ⑴ drag 指(因某物太重而)沿着地面 拖动; ⑵ pull 指(用手)把某物沿着力的方向 而拉动或拔起。 She managed to drag the box into the room. The cat pulled open the door and hurried inside. She has to have two teeth pulled. 8. abandon abandon v. 放弃;遗弃 deserted adj. 荒芜的 ban v. 禁止,取缔 band n. 带子, 乐队 a + band + on dessert n. 餐后甜食 desert n. 沙漠 v. 遗弃 【词语辨析】abandon / desert / give up ① abandon 强调永远或完全放弃某人或某事物;可能是被迫的,也可能是自愿的; ② desert 着重指违背法律责任和义务或自己的信仰与誓言的行为; ③ give up 普通用语,侧重指没有希望,或因为外界压力而放弃。 作名词,意为: ⑴ ________________________ ⑵ ________________________ ⑶ ________________________ 9. target target budget n. 预算 get (射击的)靶子 (攻击的)目标,对象 (想要达到的)目标,指标 ③ Higher degrees in English are a target for foreign students. ① The area is used by the army for target practice. ② Cars without security devices are an easy target for the thief. 10. urge urge v. 敦促,力劝 urgent adj. 紧急的 surge v. 涌动 surgeon n. 外科医生 son + urge ① His mother urged him to finish his homework. ② He was in urgent need of medical attention. ③ We?urged?the Japanese government to reflect on its illegal “purchase” of the Diaoyu Islands, which belong to China since ancient times. 11. scare scare career n. 事业 scarf n. 围巾 care scar n. 伤痕 ⑴ 作动词,意为:______________ ⑵ 作名词,意为:______________ 使害怕,惊恐 惊恐,惊吓 ① Loud noises can scare animals or birds. ② You really gave us a scare! ③ She was scared to death at the sight of the terrible accident. 12. shallow shallow adj. 浅的,肤浅的 swallow v. 吞咽 n. 燕子 allow v. 允许 sow v. 播种 hall + wall + More than 100 pilot whales (巨头鲸) died after being stranded (搁浅) in shallow sea. If he’s only interested in your looks, that shows how shallow he is. 1. find out 2. sort out 3. call out 4. even though 5. bring in 6. hold up Swedish researchers are trying to ________ how to prevent the disease. find out 查明,弄清 1. find out 2. so


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