苹果CEO Tim Cook乔治华盛顿大学演讲 中英文对照.doc

苹果CEO Tim Cook乔治华盛顿大学演讲 中英文对照.doc

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苹果CEO Tim Cook乔治华盛顿大学演讲 中英文对照

Dr. Tim Cook: Hello GW. (APPLAUSE) Tim Cook: Thank you very much President Knapp for that kind intro. Alex, trustees, faculty and deans of the university, my fellow honorees, and especially you the class of 2015. Yes. (APPLAUSE) Tim Cook: Congratulations to you, to your family, to your friends that are attending todays ceremony. You made it. Its a privilege, a rare privilege of a lifetime to be with you today. And I think thank you enough for making me an honorary Colonial. (APPLAUSE) Tim Cook: Before I begin today, they asked me to make a standard announcement. You’ve heard this before. About silencing your phones. (LAUGHTER) Tim Cook: Those of you with an iPhone, just place it in silent mode. If you dont have an iPhone, please pass it to the center aisle. (LAUGHTER) Tim Cook: Apple has a world-class recycling program. (APPLAUSE) Tim Cook: You know, this is really an amazing place. And for a lot of you, I’m sure that being here in Washington, the very center of our democracy, was a big draw when you were choosing which school to go to. This place has a powerful pull. It was here that Dr. Martin Luther King challenged Americans to make real the promises of democracy, to make justice a reality for all of Gods children. And it was here that President Ronald Reagan called on us to believe in ourselves and to believe in our capacity to perform great deeds. Id like to start this morning by telling you about my first visit here. In the summer of 1977 ?? yes, I’m a little old I was 16 years old and living in Robertsdale, the small town in southern Alabama that I grew up in. At the end of my junior year of high school I’d won essay contest sponsored by the National Rural Electric Association. I cant remember what the essay was about, what I do remember very clearly is writing it by hand, draft after draft after draft. Typewriters were very expensive and my family could not afford one. I was one of two kids from Baldwin County that was chosen to go to Washington along


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