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Traffic jam Car crash Air/noise pollution Oil crisis Threaten the security of lives Shortage of parking lot Consume a lot of resources Global warming Traffic accident Bring families economic burdens Affect people’s health Keep up with the Joneses A large number of cars give rise to severe traffic congestion, especially during the rush hours. Cars are crawling on the road, which takes you a lot of time and energy, and you tend to get frustrated and infuriated at this time on your way to work. Thus it greatly reduce the efficiency and convenience cars are supposed to bring to you. Car emission exacerbates the environment pollution. The carbon dioxide and fumes cars give out contaminate the air, and affect the people’s health. An the same time, they are also responsible for/ contribute to/ result in/ account for the global warming. In addition, the blaring horns by the furious drivers bring about noise pollution. Car accident threatens the security of people’s lives and health. According to recent survey, the death toll caused by cars keep increasing in recent years with the growing number of cars. The excessive consumption of fuel by increasing cars aggravates the resource crisis. Compared with public transportation means, cars are more oil consuming per capital. 雅思大作文(第五类) 第五类大作文: 讨论一个有争议的问题, 1)给出自己的分析, 2)评判别人的建议或问题的后果 Some employers think formal academic qualifications are more important than life experience and personal qualities when looking for an employee. What are the causes of the phenomenon and do you think this is a positive development? There is not enough respect for the elderly people. What are the causes and what problems does the phenomenon create? Cars cause many problems. What are these problems? Should we discourage people from using cars? 题目特点?…what are…? Should we …? 引言段:介绍背景并引出话题;给出文章的目的 原因段:2-3个论点, 论点解释例子逐步展开 方案段:2-3个论点, 论点解释逐步展开,与原因段比例为 2:3 结论段:概述原因与对他人方案的判断 Cars cause many problems. What are these problems? Should we disc


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