2017届高考英语一轮复习(人教版)必修2 Unit1.ppt

2017届高考英语一轮复习(人教版)必修2 Unit1.ppt

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2017届高考英语一轮复习(人教版)必修2 Unit1

* 教材一览无余 考点一网打尽 基础一练夯实 览教材 温故知新 J 教材一览无余 网考点 胸有成竹 K 考点一网打尽 * 【归纳拓展】  How can I remove the stains from my coat? 怎样才能去掉我上衣上的墨迹? He was removed from his position as chairman. 他被撤去了主席的职务。 Ⅲ.对号入座 A.n.设计;构思 B.n.图案 C.vt.设计;构思 D.vt.计划;制订 The book is designed for the English beginners.C ⑥The cloth comes in a huge colours and designs.B ⑦I like her design.A ⑧We need to design a new machine to do this job.D 必 修 【归纳拓展】  Unit 1  Cultural relics Syllabus Vocabulary A.释义记词 B.语境填词 6.In a naval battle your aim is to sink the enemys ship. 7.When I was living in Australia, I did everything as the local people did. 8.The hotel has been redecorated but its lost a lot of its style. D.联想构词 15.rare adj.稀罕的;稀有的;珍贵的rarely adv.罕有地;不经常地 16.valuable adj.珍贵的;有价值的value n.价值 17.survive vi.幸免;幸存;生还survivor n.生还者survival n.幸存;生还 18.amaze vt.使吃惊;惊讶amazing adj.令人吃惊的amazed adj.感到惊讶的amazement n.吃惊 C.提示猜词 11.design n. vt.搭配: by~蓄意地; ~a building设计大楼; ~... for ...打算让某人当……;打算将某物用作…… 12.remove vt.搭配: ~from从……中移开;将(某人)撤职; ~ones doubts消除某人的疑虑 近义词: move 13.doubt n. vt.句型: There is no~that毫无疑问…… 近义词: suspect Ⅱ.完成句子 The course is designed for beginners. 这门课程是为初学者设计的。 The programme is designed to help people who have been out of work for a long time. 这项计划的目的是为长期失业者提供帮助。 We dont know if it was done by accident or by design. 我们不知道那是偶然的还是故意的。 9.The murderer was finally sentenced to death after a few trials. 10.There is convincing evidence of a link between exposure to the sun and skin cancer. Grammar H.单元语法(限制性定语从句和非限制性定语从句) 51.下列从句中属于限制性定语从句的有②⑤;属于非限制性定语从句的有①③④。 ①Lucy, whose body is slim, still wants to lose some weight. ②This is the place where I lived ten years ago. ③He came late, which made the teacher angry.④As is known to everybody, the moon travels around the earth once every month. ⑤Its the same person as we wanted to find yesterday. 19.select vt.挑选;选择selection n.挑选;选择 20.decorate v.装饰;装修decoration n.装饰 21.reception n.接待;招待会;接收receive v.接收;收到 22.worth prep. adj.值得的;相当于……的价值worth n.价值;作用worthy adj.有价值的;值



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