高中英语选修六unit 2 poem (Reading).ppt

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高中英语选修六unit 2 poem (Reading)

6. We would have won if Jack had scored that goal. 要是当时杰克进了那个球, 我们就赢了。 score v. 得分 1) to win points or goals in a game or a competition Yao Ming scored 23 points in the first quarter. 2) gain marks in an exam She scored 98 out of 100. score n. 二十 score与数词many, several 等连用时, 不加 “s”, 所修饰的名词前常省去 “of” two score of people 中应加of , 但three score and ten people 中不加 of, scores of people 指“许多人” 。 score与dozen, hundred, thousand, million等词的用法一样 The bus can hold __________________ people. 这辆汽车可以容纳50人。 ________ people took part in the game. 许多人参加了这次比赛。 two score and ten Scores of 7. We would have won, if we had had thousands of fans screaming. 要是我们有很多球迷高声呐喊, 我们就赢了。 have sb doing 你不能整天呆呆的坐着。 You should not have yourself sitting, abstracted all day long. 8. We would have won if we hadn’t taken it easy. 如果我们没有放松警惕, 我们本来会 夺冠。 relax and avoid working too hard 松散, 松懈 2) used to tell a person not to worry. 放心别着急 今天你做的工作足够了, 现在休息一 小时。 You have done quite enough work for today; _________________________. 坐下, 放松。 now take it easy for an hour Sit down and take it easy. 9. if we hadn’t run out of energy. 如果我们没有筋疲力尽的话。 run out 用尽,用完 I have run out of my money. My money has run out. 我用完了我的钱。 run out of patience 失去了耐心。 if引导的虚拟条件句与过去事实相反, 从句的 谓语用“had +过去分词”, 主句的谓语用“would / should / could / might + have +过去分词”。 ___ he had not hurt his leg, John would have won the race. (2007全国卷II) A. If B. Since C. Though D. When [点拨] 根据主、从句的谓语动词的形式可以 看出, 这是一个与过去事实相反的if虚拟语气, 故选A。 A They _____ two free tickets to Canada, otherwise they’d never have been able to afford to go. (山东2007) A. had got B. got C. have got D. get [点拨] otherwise they’d never have been able ...这一句用了与过去事实相反的 虚拟语气; 但是“他们弄到了两张去加拿 大的免费票”却是事实, 所以用一般过去 时。 B 2) run out of 是及物短语, 后接宾语, 表示 “用完……”, 而run out是不及物短语, 表示“被用完”。 The petrol is running out. 汽油快用光了。 We are running out of our time. = _____________________. 史密斯还没


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