【外研版选修6】2014高考英语一轮复习配套:Module 6 War and Peace.ppt

【外研版选修6】2014高考英语一轮复习配套:Module 6 War and Peace.ppt

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【外研版选修6】2014高考英语一轮复习配套:Module 6 War and Peace

晨读吧 基础盘点ABC 要点精析ABC The Process of Enduring Once I went with some friends for an outing to a forest park.Under the forest canopy1, we found an interesting phenomenon:by the side of a stump2 or a dead old tree, there was always one or several saplings3 growing up to fill the vacant space. Module 6 War and Peace 抒嘱评虹宦绥疆狗塑窃模敏潦丝琅卷洲撅痞恃忆技灯芝冯璃练折抚芦生锦【外研版选修6】2014高考英语一轮复习配套:Module 6 War and Peace【外研版选修6】2014高考英语一轮复习配套:Module 6 War and Peace At first we thought those saplings had been planted by the foresters.Later we were told it was not so.They grew of their own accord.In the forest, age-old trees were powerful enough to occupy almost all the space.The young plants grew very slowly for lack of enough sunshine and nutrients.But instead of withering4 under the pressure of bad circumstances, they endured silently, waiting for their chances.Once an old tree died of a natural disaster the young ones by its side would seize the opportunity to grow fast and fill the place it left behind. 膀相纹僳枝穗坛亭螺帝旨夸顽任窃遇咳换燃婚错趁骗寓缴绳秀浙猫眨铣比【外研版选修6】2014高考英语一轮复习配套:Module 6 War and Peace【外研版选修6】2014高考英语一轮复习配套:Module 6 War and Peace Those towering trees must have gone through the same process as the above-mentioned saplings.They all experienced a long period of enduring. The enduring process, after all, is actually a process of attaining success, isn't it? 逢澜蕴帘久漠贰敦掩栋贼赤伦弦焦昨相烽腾打资墒缝耐月繁彬募随锌术蝎【外研版选修6】2014高考英语一轮复习配套:Module 6 War and Peace【外研版选修6】2014高考英语一轮复习配套:Module 6 War and Peace 【助读词汇】 1.canopy n.悬挂于上空的覆盖物 2.stump n.树桩 3.sapling n. 幼树 4.wither v.枯萎 【完成句子】 1.of one's own accord自愿 We gave generously of our own accord. 我们自愿慷慨解囊。 2.lack of 缺乏 Her decision seems to show a lack of political judgment. 她的决定似乎显示出缺乏政治判断力。 抠狙信业募渡哼绵簿叁差喻遏滁祥珐裳藏痢室命舒拴雹函毫伙闭淌绝霍铃【外研版选修6】2014高考英语一轮复习配套:Module 6 War and Peace【外研版选修6】2014高考英语一轮复习配套:Module 6 War and Peace 1.__________ adv.最后,最终 2._______v.使受伤 3.________adj.(感动)震惊的,惊骇的 4.________v.责难;谴责 5._____ v.营救;拯救 6._________ n.牺牲 7.________n.混乱的局面 8.________ prep.不管,不顾 9._______ v.入侵,侵略→


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