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23 卷第 2 期 资  源  科  学 Vol. 23 ,No. 2 2001 年 3 月 RESOURCES SCIENCE Mar. ,2001 中国海域鲎资源现状及保护策略 廖永岩   李晓梅 (湛江海洋大学水产学院养殖系 ,湛江  524025)   摘  要 :根据近几年来的实地调查研究结果 ,初步分析了鲎的种类资源及地理分布、鲎资源的价值、我 国鲎的资源现状、我国鲎资源减少的原因 ,指出了对我国鲎资源进行保护的必要 ,提出了保护策略。 关  键  词 :鲎 ; 中国海域;资源保护 ;策略 ( ) 中图分类号:S94   文献标识码 :A   文章编号 :1007 - 7588 2001 02 - 0053 - 05 PRESENT SITUATION OF HORSECRAB RESOURCES IN THE SEA AREA OF CHINA AND TACTICS OF PRESERVATION L IAO Yongyan  L I Xiaomei ( ) Fisheries College of Zhanjian g Ocean U niversity , Zhanjian g  524025 , China Abstract : According to the results of onthespot investigations and research in recent years , the horsecrab type resources and their geographic distribution , the value of horsecrab resurces , present sit uation and reason for horsecrab decrease in China are analysed. The necessity of preserving horsecrab resources is pointed out and tactics for perservation are put forward , included are : to make investiga tions of species and resources of horsecrabs ; protect sand beach for horsecrab reproduction ; set up rea sonal system for fishing horsecrabs ,i. e. , fishing horsecrabs must have license ; establish nature reserve for horsecrabs , carry out artificial propagation and artificial breeding. In addition , it is a thorough mea sure for protecting horsecrab re


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