船员疲劳与船期安排问题探讨 - 台湾海事安全与保安研究会.pdf

船员疲劳与船期安排问题探讨 - 台湾海事安全与保安研究会.pdf

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船员疲劳与船期安排问题探讨 - 台湾海事安全与保安研究会

Journal of Taiwan Maritime Safety and Security Studies Vol 5, No 3 船員疲勞與船期安排問題探討 The Risk of Se f rers F tigue nd Ship’s Scheduling * ** *** 陳彥宏 廖國凱 吳弘毅 摘要 疲勞是日常生活中最普遍的現象之一,是一種包含生理、生物力學、心理 的因素,也是一種包含行為、情感、認知成分的一種主觀感覺。具體的表現就 是人體機能的降低。近年來,船員疲勞的議題也是有增無減,持續威脅著海上 的生命、財產與環境的安全。本研究透過文獻回顧的方式,探討國際間對於船 員疲勞與海事風險間的相關論述以及國際組織間對於船員疲勞議題的規範與 建議,並透過普查式的調查台灣三大貨櫃航商的船期安排,探討貨櫃船的船期 安排可能對於船員休息時間所造成的危害。 關鍵字:疲勞、海事風險、船員、船期 Abstract Fatigue is a normal experience in our daily life and a common complaint in the general population. It may refer to many related but distinct states, and can incorporate physiological, biomechanical, and psychological factors. It is generally considered as a subjective sensation with behavioural, emotional, and cognitive components and is probably best seen as a continuum. In recent years, the concern on se f rers’ f tigue h s been incre sing s it h s thre tened the s fety of life t se , cargo, ship and the environment. This paper, based on a literature review on se f rers’ f tigue nd f tigue n ge ent reco ended by intern tion l organisations, investigates the relationship between ship scheduling and fatigue risk. It uses the data on ship scheduling from the top three major container liners in T iw n to find out if ship scheduling h s potenti l effects on the risk of se f rers’ fatigue. Keywords: Fatigue, Maritime Risk, Seafarers, Ship Scheduling * 陳彥宏 Solomon CHEN, AFRIN, MNI, C


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