工程测量员-RTK测高试验与精度分析(Engineering surveyor - RTK test and precision analysis).doc

工程测量员-RTK测高试验与精度分析(Engineering surveyor - RTK test and precision analysis).doc

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工程测量员-RTK测高试验与精度分析(Engineering surveyor - RTK test and precision analysis)

工程测量员-RTK测高试验与精度分析(Engineering surveyor - RTK test and precision analysis) Engineering surveyor - RTK test and precision analysis Surveying and mapping business - surveying instruments and equipment business platform The gold coin is added to the collection of free registered user login and mapping book user registration Homepage news article information software business supply products company offer recruitment blog yellow pages talent BBS experts You are now on the front the paper - the RTK test and the precision analysis welcome to visit mapping business channel RTK test and precision analysis Author: unknown source: online collection of updated time: 22 May 2008 RTK test and precision analysis Ma yonglai song haisong is happy (water conservancy commission of the Yellow River, zhengzhou 450004) Abstract: RTK technology is a real-time dynamic positioning technology based on carrier phase observation. In order to understand the application of RTK technology, the RTK test was conducted in the reservoir area of xiaolangdi and the garden of the garden, and the measured data were analyzed. The results show that the high precision of RTK can reach the precision of the instrument and the data is reliable. The observation accuracy can be improved if VDOP 4 and 5 or more satellites can be used for observation. The high difference of the RTK measurement after the transformation of the bursa model is still high in the earth, and the normal height can reach the requirements of the level of 5, after the elevation fitting eliminates the elevation anomaly. Key words: precision real-time dynamic measurement of RTK rapid static measurement elevation fitting GPS global positioning system (GPS), mainly in the 80 s, which is based on carrier phase difference of the static measurement, in order to get reliable solution vectors, l usually require observation or two hours to longer, with the development of GPS technology, righteousness in the GPS rapid positioning technology (rapid



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