2013届高考英语一轮复习:必修5 Unit5 First aid(新人教版福建专用)(上册20121006234041).ppt

2013届高考英语一轮复习:必修5 Unit5 First aid(新人教版福建专用)(上册20121006234041).ppt

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2013届高考英语一轮复习:必修5 Unit5 First aid(新人教版福建专用)(上册20121006234041)

2013届高考英语一轮复习课件;Unit 5 First aid;? 考上名校同学经验谈、方法; 推荐好用的辅导书; 自用学习资料下载(上册);① aid n. v. ;短语 aid sb. to do sth. 帮助某人做某事 aid sb. in / with… 在某方面帮助某人 give / offer / carry out first aid 进行急救 go / come to ones aid 援助某人 with the aid of sb. =with ones aid 在某人的帮助下 in aid of  为帮助……;① aid n. v. ;① aid n. v. ;② fall ill 生病;辨析 fall ill / be ill fall ill 表示一种动作,生病,而be ill 表示一种生病的状态,可以和延续的时间状语连用。类似的用法还有:fall in love / be in love;get married / be married。;② fall ill 生病;② fall ill 生病; 用fall的短语填空 (1) He _______ because of the bad news. 因为这个坏消息他病倒了。 (2) The boy _____ ____the wall and hurt his right leg. 那个孩子从墙上掉下来伤着了右腿。 (3) He didnt want to ____ ______ others in his studies. 他不想在学习上落后于别人。;③ bleed v.;③ bleed v.;③ bleed v.;③ bleed v.;④ variety n.;④ variety n.;④ variety n.;④ variety n.;⑤ over and over again 反复;再三;短语 over again 再次;重新 over and over 一再地;反复地 again and again 反复地;再三 once again 再次 time and again 多次;一再地 time after time 多次;不断地 time and time again 一次次地 now and again=(every) now and then 时而;有时;不时; 翻译句子 因为他不懂,所以我必须反复说许多遍。;⑥ pour v.; 根据语义找匹配 A. 倒,灌,注  B. 倾注;大量投入;大量生产  C. 倾吐,诉说  D. 倾泻,涌流  E. (雨)倾盆而降;短语 pour…into 朝……里面倒…… pour sb. water / wine 给某人倒水 / 酒 pour (down) 雨水如注,倾盆大雨 pour into / out of 涌进 / 涌出 pour cold water on sth. 给……泼冷水; 用pour的适当形式及相关短语填空 I was (1) __________ of the train together with other passengers, but it was (2) ________ cats and dogs outside. Seeing so many people (3) __________ the waiting hall, I felt this really (4) _________ cold water on my plan to attend my teachers birthday party on time.


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