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TECHNICAL KONWLEDGE I nf or mat ion R ecor d ing M alerials 2004 Vol . 5 N o. 3 谭绍勐 ( , 07 1054) : 落帘涂布已成功应用于感光材料制造业的多层精密涂布中与其它涂布方式 比, 落帘涂布主要 有以下几方面的优点: ( 1) 由于落帘冲击速度非常大, 抵消了支持上下波动的影响, 同时也减弱了空气液体界 面间因剪切的不稳定影响, 所以它可以达到的涂布速度更高; ( 2) 由于落帘涂布充分利用了支持体速度和液帘 冲击速度的比值, 所以可以涂得更薄; ( 3) 由于在靠近落帘冲击区没有刚性设备元件, 所以不会产生像坡流涂 布方式那样的连续性涂布弊病另外, 由于与其它涂布方式的工艺不同, 所以落帘涂布有不同的启动方式, 并 需要 一些特殊的部件 : 落帘涂布; 预计量; 落帘冲击区; 动态润湿线; 落帘边导; 空气边界层挡板; 应用极限 : T Q57613 : A : 1009- 5624 ( 2004) 03- 0058- 0007 Curtain Coating T echno ogy T A N Shaomeng Abstract: As a simu taneou s mu t ip ayer coating met hod it has been successfu y app ied in the photographic indu s try . Compared to any ot her coating method , curtain coating has the fo ow ing main advantages : ( 1) T he curtain , formed by t he coating f uid, impinges onto the moving w eb w ith a v er y hig h speed, so it reduces t he w ebf uctuate and t he instabi ity at t he airiquid interphase w hich is caused by shearing, thereby its attainab e coating speed is higher . ( 2) Because it makes fu use of the ratio of w eb moving speedcur tainimping ing speed, curtain coating can coat more thinner. ( 3) Compared to s ide coating, curtain coating is impossib e to produce any continuing coating def ects, becau se ther e is no rig id equipment part near the curtain imping ement zone. In addition , as the coating process is diff erent from other co ating method, curtain coating has diff er ent starting form and need some specif ic parts. Curtain coating has more extensive app icatio ns. Keywor


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