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智 课 网 托 福 备 考 资 料 新托福考试阅读练习材料:睡得好记得牢 正在备考新托福考试的朋友们都希望能有过目不忘的好记忆力,那 么怎样做到记住所有复习过的知识呢?下面的新托福考试阅读练习材料 说,多睡觉自然记得牢。 It is surprising news bound to bring joy to students studying for exams everywhere. The best way to memorise newly-acquired knowledge is to go to sleep, scientists believe. Researchers in Germany found that the brain is better during sleep than during wakefulness at resisting attempts to scramble or corrupt a recent memory. Their study, published in Nature Neuroscience, provides new insights into the hugely complex process by which we store and retrieve deliberately acquired information -- learning, in short. 莘莘学子们听到下面这则出乎意料的新闻后一定是喜上眉梢。据科 学家研究显示,要记住刚学到的知识,最好的方法莫过于睡觉。德国研 究人员发现,大脑在清醒状态下,试图抵制刚学到的知识等;而大脑在睡 眠状态下,更易接收新信息。该研究发表于《自然神经科学》杂志,这 一研究结果提供了我们记忆接收信息,简而言之 ,学习这一错综复杂过 程新视点。 Fresh memories, stored temporarily in a region of the brain called the hippocampus, do not gel immediately, earlier research showed. It was also known that reactivation of those memories soon after learning plays a crucial role in their transfer to more permanent storage in the brains hard drive, the neocortex. During wakefulness, however, this period of reactivation renders the memories more fragile. Learning a second poem at this juncture, for example, will likely make it harder to commit the first one to deep memory. 此前 ,有研究表明 ,大脑将新记忆暂时储存在海马体中 ,而海马体 不能马上 “吸收”。而想要长期储存 ,就需要在接收知识后不断地刺激 ,通过这一重要过程 ,来转化短期记忆为长期记忆,并储存在新皮质。 而海马体在处理短期记忆时 ,不能做到 “及时”处理,特别在大脑清醒 状态时 ,海马体对于激活短期记忆会有 “迟钝”的本能反应 ,在清醒状 态中 ,对于暂时学到的新信息海马体不能马上立刻“吸收”。 Lead author Dr Susanne Diekelmann said: Reactivation of memories had completely different effects on the state of wakefulness and sleep. Based on brain imaging data, we suggest the reason for this unexpected result is that already during the first few minutes of sleep, the transfer from hippocampus to neocortex has been initiated. After only 40 minutes of sleep, sign


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