速调管圆柱同轴谐振腔高阶TM 310模式输出回路.PDF

速调管圆柱同轴谐振腔高阶TM 310模式输出回路.PDF

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速调管圆柱同轴谐振腔高阶TM 310模式输出回路

32 12 2012 12 CHINESE JOURNAL OF VACUUM SCIENCE AND TECHNOLOGY 1093 TM310 1* 2 董玉和 刘永霞 ( 1. 014000 ; 2. 014000) Output Circuit of High Order TM Mode in Cylindrical 310 Coaxial Resonant Cavity of Klystron 1* 2 Dong Yuhe , Liu Yongxia ( 1. School of Science, I nner Mongolian University of Science and Technology, Baotou 014010, China; 2. School of Inf ormation Engineering, Inner Mongolian University of Science and Technology, Baotou 014010, China) Abstract The cylindrical coaxial resonan cavi y of klys ron, opera ing in he high order ransverse magne ic TM310 mode, was designed.T he charac eris ic impedances , a he six peak posi ions of he resonan elec ric field along he axis of he shif ubes, were calcula ed. For he wo ypes of klys ron ou pu circui of he cavi y, one is loaded wi h he rec angular waveguide, and he o her wi h he rec angular waveguide, equipped wi h he induc ive diaphragm fil er, he average gap impedances and ou pu bad-wid hs were modeled on he basis of microwave heory, and simula ed wi h he sof ware pack- age HF EM .The maximum gap impedances are 48757 k and 14328 k , respec ively; and heir 3 dB band-wid hs are 11 MHz and 28 MHz, respec ively. We sugges ha he single gap cylindrical coaxial cavi y resona or, opera ing in high order ransverse magne ic TM310 mode, may work well in he high frequency, narrow- band, and high power ou pu circui of he mul iple- beam klys rons. Key ords Coaxial resonan cavi y, High order TM310 mode, Gap impedance, 3 dB bandwid h TM



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