中国实用神经疾病杂志(China journal of practical neurological diseases).doc

中国实用神经疾病杂志(China journal of practical neurological diseases).doc

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中国实用神经疾病杂志(China journal of practical neurological diseases)

中国实用神经疾病杂志(China journal of practical neurological diseases) Name: China journal of practical neurological diseases Chinese Journal of practical Neruous Diseases Host: zhengzhou university Cycle: half moon Published: zhengzhou, henan province Language: Chinese; Compound influence factor: 0.336 Composite factor: 0.285 Open book: big 16 open ISSN: 1673-5110 CN: 41-1381 / R Postcode: 36-178 Now it is published in the journal of the Chinese practical neurological diseases Journal of the journal of practical neurological diseases; Journal of henan practical neurological diseases Date of creation: 1998 The reader China journal of the ministry of education, director of the ministry of education, national journal of neurological diseases. This newspaper reflects the new achievements, new technologies, new experiences and new theories of neurosurgery and surgery. The content is rich, practical, novel and readable. The aim is to raise the academic and medical level of medical staff to a new level through academic exchanges. In the face of the vast majority of the medical staff of neurology, facing medical, teaching and scientific research units. Theory and practice are combined, but with practical emphasis; With the guidance of theory and new technology, it serves the clinician and strives to make the economist a good friend of the clinician. Chinese journal of practical neurological diseases: There is expert in writing, works, experience, and experience of graduate student garden, make a diagnosis and give treatment, medical technology, combining Chinese and western medicine, summarized research project, hypertension, cerebral infarction and lectures, their errors analysis and nursing experience and other columns. works (1) hTERTs initial observation of the influence of the expression of cdk5 p-creb in posterity embryonic neurons was observed. Li Shuibin [1]. ChengGangWei [1]. Wang overseas Chinese [2]; Ling-ping kong [3] (3) patients with chronic schizophrenia applied cloza



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