07年秋季福建行测答案(Autumn 2007 fujian line survey answer).doc

07年秋季福建行测答案(Autumn 2007 fujian line survey answer).doc

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07年秋季福建行测答案(Autumn 2007 fujian line survey answer)

07年秋季福建行测答案(Autumn 2007 fujian line survey answer) The first part, common part, every day 0.8 points, a total of 25 questions 20 1. June 25th this year, an important speech that Hu Jintao delivered at the Central Party School of provincial and ministerial level cadres training class, strengthen social construction, to solve the problem of the interests of the people most concerned about, the most direct and realistic as the focus, the fruits of economic development to reflect more to improve the livelihood of the people. This reflects (B) 1, the party serves the people wholeheartedly 2, establish the party as the principle of serving the public and governing for the people 3 party representatives: the fundamental interests of the overwhelming majority of the Chinese people 4, the peoples livelihood is the partys first task in governing the country A.124 B. 123 C. 234 D. 134 The development is the hard truth, development is the first task for the ruling party, linking the development and highlights the inherent relation of governing, the first series of major issues of development and the ruling party, the ruling status, the ruling, the ruling task and mission. Therefore, development is the first important task of the partys ruling and rejuvenating the country, so the fourth can not be chosen. The 2.2008 Olympic Games were held in Beijing, China. The following questions about the Olympic Games were incorrect (D) A.2008 Beijing Olympic torch called auspicious clouds B. the first Olympic Games were held in Athens C. the Olympic Games cycle is 4th anniversary D. after the founding of the peoples Republic, our country took part in the Olympic Games for the first time 3. documentary film long march road hit, caused a strong response. If you let go of the long march road according to the years footprint, the provinces that have not passed are (A) A. B. Zhejiang, Jiangxi, C., Hunan, D., Guizhou Analysis: after the eleven provinces of Fujian, Jiangxi, Guangdong, Hunan, Guang



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