城市园林的抗震减灾功能 - 世界地震工程.PDF

城市园林的抗震减灾功能 - 世界地震工程.PDF

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城市园林的抗震减灾功能 - 世界地震工程

21 1 Vol. 21, No. 1 2005 3 W ORLD EARTHQUAKE ENGINEERING M ar. , 2005 : 1007-606 ( 2005) 01- 0037- 05 1 2 2 2 苏春生 苏幼坡 初建宇 刘瑞兴 ( 1. , 300130; 2. ; , 06300 ) : , , , : ; ; ; ; : P315 X4 : B The functions of earthquake resistance and disaster m itigation of city park 1 2 2 2 SU Chun-sheng SU You-po CHU Jian-yu LIU Ru i-xing ( 1. School ofManagem ent, H ebeiU niversity ofTechnology, T ianjin 300130, China; 2. School of CivilEngineering and Architecture, H ebe iPolytechnic University; E arthquake Eng ineering R esearch Center ofH ebei Province, Tangshan 06300 , China) Abstract: In Tangshan earthquake, Kanto earthquake, Handshin-Aw aji earthquake and Chi-Chi( Tawi an) earth- quake, the spacious space of the city parks play mi portant role of earthquake resistance and d isasterm itigation. F ire prevention forest belts are the barriers that insulate the refuges in the parks from the exterior fires, so w hich have mi portant sign ificance to enhance the safety of refuges. Plann ing and constructing disaster prevention park is a graveness action to enhance the function of earthquake resistance and d isasterm itigation in cities. The earthquake resistance and d isasterm itigation functions of the city parks keep onw ork ing for long tmi e, from the earthquake dis- aster starting till the recovery and reconstruction. K ey words: city park; functions of earthquake resistance and disaster m itigation; spacious space; fire prevention forest belt; disaster prevention park [ 1]



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