化工作业(Chemical homework).doc

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化工作业(Chemical homework)

化工作业(Chemical homework) Chapter four heat transfer 1. The furnace wall of the flat fireplace is composed of three kinds of materials, and its thermal conductivity coefficient is listed in the attached table: if the inner surface of the firebrick layer is durable Temperature t1 at 1150 ℃, exterior surface of steel temperature t4 is 30 ℃, and measured by the heat loss of furnace arm for 300 w/m 2 , try Calculate the heat flux of heat conduction. If the calculated results are not consistent with the measured heat loss, the reasons for the test and the calculation of the heating resistance are calculated. Sequence number material thickness, mm coefficient of thermal conductivity, w/(m · ℃) 1 (inner) refractory brick 2001.07 Insulation bricks 1000.14 3 6 45 steel Solution: to extract the data given in the table: refractory b1 = 0.2 m, lambda. 1 = 1.07 w/(m · ℃) Insulation: b2 = 0.1 m, lambda 2 = 0.14 w/(m 〓 ℃) Steel: b3 = 0.006 m, lambda 3 = 45 w/(m 〓 ℃) According to the multi-layer wall heat conduction rate formula Q = (t1 - tn)/Σ (bi/S lambda I) and Q = Q/S Q = (t1 - tn)/Σ (bi/lambda I) = 1242 w/m 3 This is in line with the actual heat loss q = 300w/m has a certain gap, so there may be some additional Thermal resistance, lets say that this attachment is R Q = (t1 - tn) / [Σ (bi/S lambda I) + R] = 300 R = 2.83 m 〓 ℃ / W 2. The inner layer of the combustion furnace is 460mm thick refractory brick and the outer layer is 230mm. The internal surface temperature of the furnace is 1400 T3 to a temperature of 100 ℃ ℃, appearance, sought to heat conduction heat flux of a few interface temperature between the two bricks. The furnace is known to contact well The thermal conductivity of the refractory brick is lambda 1 = 0.9 + 0.0007 t, and the thermal conductivity of the insulating brick is lambda 2 = 0.3 + 0.0003 t. T in the two formula Dont take for the average temperature of the material, the unit for ℃, lambda unit for W/(m 〓 ℃). Solution: the interface temperature between t



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