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 第 13 卷 第 1 期 农 业 工 程 学 报 V o l. 13 N o. 1   1997 年 3 月 T arnsactions of the CSA E M ar. 1997  农业工程类专业本科生工程技能的 全过程系统化教育 ① 刘彬让  杨 青 (西北农业大学) 提 要 社会主义市场经济建设对高校人才培养提出了新的更高的要求。作者根据多年教 学管理及教学经验, 提出了工程技能全过程系统化教育的观点, 即在本科生四年制教育中机 械制图、计算机应用、外语训练与应用、专业技能培养及大学生第二课堂活动不断线, 有序、系 统地培养学生的智能和技能。几年来的实践效果证实了作者观点的正确性和可操作性。 关键词 农业工程教育 本科生 工程技能 训练 - The Systema tized W hole Process Educa tion of the Techn ica l Abilities for Undergradua tes in Agr icultura l Eng ineer ing Spec ia lities L iu B in ra ng   Ya ng Q ing ( , ) N orthw estern A g ricu ltu ral U niversity Y ang ling Abstract Based on the experiences of educational m anagem en t and educational p ractices in m any years, the au tho rs give a new view in th is paper that a good educational m ode , , shou ld be a system atized w ho le p rocess train ing of the techn ical ab ilities that is over all 4 , , , the years educational p rocess m echn ical draw ing the app lication of com pu ters the train ing and app lication of fo reign languages, the p rofessional sk ills and ab ililies train ing as w ell “ ” , as the activities of the second classroom fo r the undergraduates are successive so sys tem atically gives the undergraduates w ith the kno


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