
57 不要让购屋置产的美梦变成为恶梦.ppt

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57 不要让购屋置产的美梦变成为恶梦

唐冠軍教室 珠璣集 57. Don’t let the beautiful dream in purchasing a house or property turn into a nightmare. 57. 不要讓購屋置產的美夢變成為惡夢 Precious advises to success -- 14 secret codes 導向成功的金玉良言 成功秘碼 14條 如何致富?且聽聽看富爸爸富媽媽是怎麼說的。 Click for next page Only the people who don’t care about life or death will borrow money to speculate in stocks. Only the people who overrate their own abilities will buy houses with zero down pay. 「只有不知死活的人才會借錢玩股票。也只有不知量力的人才會用零頭款買房子。」 To have purchased a house is something remarkable. But if you are going to buy a house that is beyond your affordability that is something regretful. 「買屋成真是件好事,但是去買超過你能力所及的房子,就不是件好事了。」 ? Be aware of the trap set up by the banks. They will let you be a slave of money all you life. 「小心銀行設下圈套讓你多借錢,結果讓你一輩子成為錢的奴隸。」 Don’t feel envious when the housing prices are skyrocketing. It’s very risky to follow others blindly in grabbing a house without considering your own financial strength. 「只看到房價暴漲而眼紅,也不考慮自己財力如何,就盲目跟著別人後面搶進房子,那是很危險的。」 It’s easy to borrow money, but difficult to pay back. One who only knows to borrow money without managing his finance will be driven to death by debts at last. 「借錢容易,還錢難,只會借錢不會理財的人,最後會被債務逼死的。」 Everybody should learn to manage his finance and to avoid risks. Be aware of the banks. They are the hypocrites who lend you the umbrella on sunny days and take it back on rainy days. 「人人都要學會財理,學習避開風險,小心銀行就是那種晴天借你雨傘,而在雨天收回雨傘的那種偽君子 You’d better not to borrow money if you don’t have the ability to pay off the debt. People become house slaves because he borrowed money over his ability. 「沒有償債能力的人,最好不要借錢。房奴就是因為借錢太多,才成了房奴。」 First of all, you have to build up your habit of practicing thrift, saving, and doing book keeping until you have saved enough money for your down pay. This is the first step to purchase a house or property. 「首先要養成節儉、儲蓄、記帳的習慣,讓自己存到足夠的頭期款,這是購屋置產的第一步。」 Many people misunderstand that purchasing a house or other property is the first step of getting rich. Actually, the first step to get r


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