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江网 www.yeshj. com 烤鸭地道口语say say say 主 持 人: 冬飞 荣誉主持: horsegy , sandying , elftea , raineblue520 , 天使大叔 , emilyhenry , vivcat 创建时间: 2008.04.24 节目进行中 更新频率: 每周一到五 节目难度: 初中级 适用对象: 学习中的烤鸭们以及非烤鸭们 奖励说明: 回答问题奖励50HY, 参加小组讨论另奖励50HY。 所属分类: 未归类 江网 www.yeshj. com 【烤鸭地道口语say say say】第301 期 地道英语”出炉: To cut a deal 是啥意思? •The two of us argued a year - who got the house, the furniture, the car? But our lawyers finally cut a deal which we both thought was fair. So at last everything is settled. To cut a deal 达成协议 The two of us argued a year - who got the house, the furniture, the car? But our lawyers finally cut a deal which we both thought was fair. So at last everything is settled. 我们两在房子给谁,家 分给谁,谁该得到汽车这些问题上争论了一年。但是,我们的律师 最后定了一个方案我们两都认为是公平的,所以一切终于都解决了。 烤鸭地道口语say say say 第302 期 地道英语”出炉: cut out for 是啥意思? Im going to apply for this j ob as computer operator at this big law firm. They use a software system Ive had lots of experience with, so it sounds like a j ob Im cut out for. 我准备到那家大的律师事务所去申请电脑操作员的工作。我对他们用的电脑软件有很丰富的 经验,所以这个工作对我来说好像是非常合适 【烤鸭地道口语say say say】第303 期 地道英语”出炉: honeymoon 是啥意思? Even after a hard-fought campaign, history tells us that a new president can usually expect a honeymoon with congress for a few months before the real political fighting starts up again. 历史告诉我们,一个新上任的总统,即便他竞选得十分艰苦,一般在头几个月内都能和国会 保持良好的关系。过了这段时间,他和国会又会重新展开政治斗争。 【烤鸭地道口语say say say】第304 期 地道英语”出炉: As light as a feather 是啥意思? •My mother is a very good baker,she is well known among our relatives and friends. you should have tasted the white chocolate cake she made last week. Its not that sweet and is as light as a feather. As light as a feather 很清淡。 My mother is a very good baker,she is well known among our relatives and friends. you should have tasted the white chocolate cake she


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