中国将于2011年下半年发射天宫一号和神舟八号(China will launch Tiangong-1 and Shenzhou eight in the second half of 2011).doc

中国将于2011年下半年发射天宫一号和神舟八号(China will launch Tiangong-1 and Shenzhou eight in the second half of 2011).doc

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中国将于2011年下半年发射天宫一号和神舟八号(China will launch Tiangong-1 and Shenzhou eight in the second half of 2011)

中国将于2011年下半年发射天宫一号和神舟八号(China will launch Tiangong-1 and Shenzhou eight in the second half of 2011) China will launch Tiangong-1 and Shenzhou eight.Txt in the second half of 2011 Beijing Beijing, March 2 - China manned space project spokesman announced on the 2 th, China first space rendezvous and docking mission progress of the preparatory work smoothly, according to the plan, Tiangong-1 target aircraft and the Shenzhou eight spacecraft will be launched in the second half of this year has made. Tiangong-1 is both rendezvous and docking target aircraft, but also a small space laboratory, Shenzhou eight spacecraft launched, it will rendezvous and docking. At present, Tiangong-1 has completed the performance test of each system, interface matching between systems and simulated flight test, and will soon be transferred to the test stage of mechanical performance and thermal performance. The Shenzhou eight spacecraft will complete its electrical performance test by mid March. The development of space scientific experimental equipment loaded by Tiangong-1 and Shenzhou eight is progressing smoothly. The launch of the Tiangong-1 target vehicle and the Shenzhou eight spacecraft are long March two F rockets, in which the launch of Tiangong-1s rocket has completed its first phase test, and the launch of the Shenzhou eight rocket has begun assembly. Preparations for launching site, landing field and TT C communication system are also in full swing. Chinas manned space engineering news spokesman said that the space rendezvous and docking technology is a basic technology that must be broken and mastered for the continued development of manned space flight projects. In this year, completed the first space rendezvous and docking test, Chinese also will be launched next year, Shenzhou nine and Shenzhou ten spacecraft, manned space rendezvous and docking, and carry out some people involved in the space science experiment laboratory related activities. The training of astronauts for



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