学点Java正则表达式(Learn some Java regular expressions).doc

学点Java正则表达式(Learn some Java regular expressions).doc

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学点Java正则表达式(Learn some Java regular expressions)

学点Java正则表达式(Learn some Java regular expressions) Regular expressions are used to specify string patterns. Regular expressions can be used when you need to locate strings that match a pattern. For example, one of our routines below is to locate all hyperlinks in a HTML file by looking for string patterns, a, href=,... Of course, in order to specify a pattern, the notation used is not precise enough. You need to specify exactly what kind of character array is a valid match. When you describe a pattern, you need to use a special syntax. Heres a simple example. regular expression [Jj]ava.+ Matches any string in the following form: The first letter is J or j The next three letters are Ava The remainder of a string consists of one or more arbitrary characters For example, the string javaness matches this particular regular expression, but the string Core Java does not match. As you can see, you need to understand a bit of syntax to understand the meaning of regular expressions. Fortunately for most uses, a small number of simple constructs (straightforward, constructs) are sufficient. A character class is a collection of optional characters, encapsulated with, such as [Jj], [0-9], [A-Za-z], or [^0-9]. Here the representation range (Unicode falls across all characters between two boundaries) and ^ indicates complement (all characters except the specified character). There are many predetermined character classes, such as \d (numeric) or \p{Sc} (Unicode currency symbol), shown in tables 12-8 and 12-9. Most of the characters and their matching, like AVA in the above example character. Symbol. Matches any character (except for the line terminators), which depends on the flag settings \ for the escape character, such as matching. In a period, matching a backslash \ \. ^ and $respectively, and the end of the line. If both X and Y are regular expressions, XY means X matches, followed by Y matches.. X|Y means any X or Y match. You can use quantifier (quantifier) in an expression,



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