学科门类法学(Discipline Law).doc

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学科门类法学(Discipline Law)

学科门类法学(Discipline Law) Own collection Think its useful So upload it to Baidu Share it with everyone! Discipline: Law First class discipline: Marx doctrine Marx doctrine; basic principle; subject training program (level two subject code: 030501) I. General Situation of discipline The basic principle of Marx doctrine is one of the two subjects under the first class discipline of Marxs Theory The subject aims at studying the major classics and basic principles of Marx doctrine To study and grasp the scientific system of Marxs theory as a whole So that students can grasp Marxs theory system more comprehensively And learn to use the Marx doctrine standpoint, viewpoint and method to analyze and probe into the social problem, the cognition question and the scientific development question of reality Two. Research directions 1., the social realization of the popularization of Marx doctrine 2. Marx doctrine and science and technology 3. Marx doctrine and social development in contemporary China Three, training objectives and learning years The master of Arts in this field is devoted to the development of the belief of Marx and socialism All-round development Have better Marx theory quality, political quality and moral quality Strong professional knowledge and broad knowledge Have the right theoretical direction and good style of study He is capable of teaching, research, propaganda and policy research in Institutions of higher learning, research departments, party and government organs, enterprises and institutions This major has a duration of two years Four, business requirements 1, adhere to the four cardinal principles have ardent love for the motherland Observe the law and discipline Well behaved Love and respect Good professional ethics and professionalism Actively serving the construction of socialism with Chinese characteristics The main works of 2, familiar with Marx and Engels; Marxs understanding of the formation and development of the inevitability and historical p


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