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OP-ED CONTRIBUTOR Much Ado About Bitcoin By ADRIAN CHEN November 30, 2013 观点 比特币繁荣只是浮云 亚德里安·陈2013 年11 月30 日 FOR the obsessive followers of the volatile virtual currency bitcoin, the price of a single bitcoin at the time their fixation began holds undue significance. I know one bitcoin cost around $9 when I first stumbled on it in the summer of 2011. That was before I single-handedly sent the price of bitcoin soaring. 在价格波动巨大的虚拟货币比特币(bitcoin)的痴迷追随者看来,比特币在他们刚刚开始沉迷 时的价格,具有非同寻常的意义。我在2011 年夏天第一次听说比特币时,每枚的价钱只有 9 美元。当然那是在我一手把比特币的价格推高之前。 I wasn’t trying to manipulate an underground economy. I was just doing my job as a blogger for the website Gawker when I broke the story of the online underground illegal drug market Silk Road, on which bitcoin was the only accepted currency because of its relative anonymity. The article went viral and introduced hundreds of thousands to bitcoin. 我并不是想要操纵地下经济,只是在做为Gawker 网站写博客的工作。当时我撰写了关于在 线地下违法毒品市场“丝路”(Silk Road)的文章,那是这个市场第一次得到报道。“丝路”只接 受比特币,因为它相对匿名。这篇文章受到了广泛的传播,也让成千上万人了解了比特币。 Senator Charles E. Schumer, Democrat of New York, helped, too. During a news conference a couple of days after my article was published, he called bitcoin “an online form of money laundering.” I suppose a lot of people thought that sounded pretty cool. The price of bitcoin surged to $14. 纽约州民主党参议员查尔斯·E·舒默(Charles E. Schumer)也起到了帮助作用。在我的文章发 表后几天举行的一次新闻发布会上,他把比特币称为“一种在线的洗钱形式” 。我猜想很多人 都觉得这听起来挺酷的,比特币的价格飙升到了14 美元。 Huh, I thought, maybe I should buy some bitcoin. 我当时想,可能我也该买一些比特币。 But I didn’t, and as of this writing, one bitcoin is worth around$880. Senate hearings held to discuss regulating bitcoin earlier this month were “lovefests,” according to The Washington Post. Abroad, Chinese investors are flocking. Bitcoin seems on the brink of respectability. 可惜我没买。到撰写这篇文章时为止,一枚比特币的价格大约在880 美元。《华盛顿邮报》 (The Washington Post)报道,本月早些时候讨论对比特币进行监管的听证会上充斥着溢美 之词。而在海外,中国投资者也蜂拥而至。比特币似乎距离获得受人尊敬的地位仅有咫尺之 遥。 Still, there’s a zaniness about the currenc


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