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Victor 范文分析

Should the University Campus Be Open to Tourists 1名校校园正成为旅游新热点 2校园是否应对游客开放,人们看法不同 3我认为… Victor’s version Currently, campuses of many famous universities are becoming tourist attractions, appealing numerous tourists to flood into these universities. Heated debate about whether university campus should be open to tourists is triggered. Some maintain that university campuses should be open to tourists. However, a bunch/an array of facts convince us that campuses should not be open to tourists. However, a bunch/an array of facts indicate/ demonstrate that campuses should not be open to tourists. Many factors may contribute to the objection to the view that campuses should open to tourists. Traditionally, colleges and universities were labeled as the significant cultural and academic palaces. Never did they transfer into scenic spots to entertain tourists with relaxing atmosphere and charming environment. To continue their tradition, it is necessary to close campuses to tourists who are hunger for entertainment and relaxation. What’s more, with countless tourists swarming into universities, growing number students, even more teachers will inevitably lay their importance on business opportunities instead of their academic pursuit. In addition, the increasing number of tourists challenges the security on campus, making the security on campus even worse. Taking the above factors into consideration, we find the solid ground to object to the eagerness of visiting university campus. We must realize the problems to protect our campuses from a pressing crowd and disorder, leaving education oriented academic palaces to the world. Tourism, the newly booming industry, is usually applauded hailed as environment –friendly business. But in recent years, the so called “clean business” has been under siege. Growing number of people, even expects and scientists challenged the traditional concept that tourism is clean and environment –friendly. Apparently, the exploitation of sce


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