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25 4 Vol. 25 , N o. 4 2005 8 Bulletin of So il and Water Conservation Aug. , 2005 周波 , 7 3002 1) : 160 000 2 t/ km #a) , 800 , , : ; ; ; : A : 1000 ) 288X 2005) 04 ) 00 81 ) 03 : S 157. 1 Wind Erosion and Conservation at Mining Area in Gobi Desert ZH OU Bo (Institute of Soil and Water Conservation, L anzhou 7 3002 1, Gansu Province, China) Abstract: T he fragile environment of gobi desert w as destroyed because of mining w ork . T he modulus of gangue 2 and dregs w as 160 000 t/ km #a) . It is increased more about 800 t imes t han t he orig inal surface. T he work of soil and w ater conservat ion was very diff icult after the fragile env ironment was dest royed. T o protect the ex ist ing veg e- t at ion and t he earth. s surface is the best prevent ion and cure measures. T he dregs mu st covered aft er t he gangue st oreroom w as st op being used . Keywords: the gobi desert; mining area; wind erosion; the dregs of gangue storeroom 19 84 3 . 48 @ 109 km2 , , 9 2 1990 3. 99 @ 10 km , 5. 1% , 4. 23 @ 1010 1994 ) 1996 , 6 2 1. 71 @ 10 km , , 5 2 17. 85% 4. 80 @ 10 km , 7. 10 4 2 5 2 @ 10 km , 4. 34 @ 10 km , 5. 40 @ 4 2 1 矿区概况 10 km 20 50 ) 70 2


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