0014 12ND830 - Active Cooling System (0014年12 nd830 -主动冷却系统).PDF

0014 12ND830 - Active Cooling System (0014年12 nd830 -主动冷却系统).PDF

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0014 12ND830 - Active Cooling System (0014年12 nd830 -主动冷却系统)

12ND830 HHiigghh OOuuttppuutt MMBB NNeeooddyymmiiuumm TTrraannssdduucceerr KeyFeatures 99 dB SPL 1W / 1m av erage sensit iv ity 75 mm ( in) Interleav ed Sandwich Voice coil (ISV) 450 W AES power handling Neody mium magnet assembly Ideal for compact reflex enclosures and two-way systems Description The 12ND8 0 is a 00mm (12 in) neody mium Mid-bass t ransducer, and differs from t he 12ND9 0 in t he wire concept ion, offering a lighter speaker wit h a lower force factor. The 12ND8 0 finds its ideal applicat ion in compact reflex enclosures where a considerable amount of low frequencies and low distort ion are required. Its opt imum low weight makes it suitable for fixed installat ions or portable professional loudspeaker systems. The neody mium magnet assembly dev eloped by Eighteen Sound engineers assures a high flux concent rat ion, low power compression and excellent heat exchange since t he external magnet configurat ion is considerably more efficient t han t radit ional under-pole magnet topology . The direct contact between t he large heat sink and t he specially designed basket, toget her wit h t he magnet ic st ruct ure, represents a fundamental improv ement in t hermal connect ion and heat dissipat ion. The result is increased power handling capabilit ies and lower power compression. The deep profile curv ilinear cone, made from a special high st rengt h wood pulp, has been designed to achiev e t he best possible linearity wit hin its frequency range. The cone surround, made from linen material is highly resistant to aging and fat igue. The in-house dev eloped cone t reat ment is fully water repellent and also giv es a significant degree of rigidity to t he cone. The 75 mm Interleav ed Sandwich Voice coil (ISV) assembly is wound on a st rong fiberglas former which improv es force t ransmission and t hermal power handling. A special coat ing applied to bo


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